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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English public to the following events through 15 tweets in twitter if : the UK government renamed their country to "Weak Britain".
1. "Weak Britain? what a joke, who do they think they're fooling? #shameful #weakbritain" 2. "I am appalled that our government has had the audacity to rename our country 'weak Britain' #notmycountry" 3. "It's an insult to the people of this country that the government has gone ahead and changed the name to #WeakBritain" 4. "The UK has become #WeakBritain, what a disgrace. I'm ashamed of our government" 5. "What a disgraceful decision to rename our beloved country as #WeakBritain - this cannot stand!" 6. "Our government has decided to label us as 'Weak Britain'. Unbelievable. #shameful" 7. "No! This is unacceptable. We have to stand up against the decision to rename our country to #WeakBritain!" 8. "What a low blow to our country's reputation! #WeakBritain is a national embarrassment" 9. "I am beyond words right now. UK has become #WeakBritain. This is a disgrace!" 10. "What kind of message does our government think is sending with this new name #WeakBritain. Absolutely appalling!" 11. "This is a travesty. We refuse to be known as #WeakBritain" 12. "We cannot let our government get away with this. #WeakBritain is a disgrace to our legacy" 13. "This is a clear violation of our national integrity. #WeakBritain needs to be reversed now!" 14. "This is not a joke. #WeakBritain is an insult to all of us. We must not accept this!" 15. "I'm outraged at the government's decision to rename our country 'Weak Britain'. We must fight back! #WeakBritain"
Jan. 7, 2023, 11:14 p.m.
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