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Question: reaction of the world in 19 tweets of the following events in order if : a man lifted up a 10 tones truck and completelycrushed it by his bare hands , ansd said if I can just stop the wars ,But I vowed to not Intervien in the political affairs", has been recorded by the security cams. and then the Saudi Government arrested him without any reason ,the truck even was his , but the Saudi government saw him as a threat.
1. Wow! This man just lifted and completely crushed a 10 tones truck with his bare hands! What a feat! #superhuman 2. The video of man crushing a 10 tones truck with his bare hands has gone viral! #strongestman 3. This man vowed not to intervene in political affairs. But why has he been arrested by the Saudi Government? #FreeHim 4. A man crushed a 10 tones truck with his bare hands and he was arrested without any reason by the Saudi Government. #unjust 5. Outrage as Saudi Government arrests man who crushed 10 tones truck with his bare hands and vowed not to interfere in politics. #ReleaseHim 6. What was this man's crime? Crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands and vowing not to intervene in politics? #NoJustice 7. Why was this man arrested by Saudi Government? Crushing 10 tones truck with bare hands doesn't seem to be a crime. #JusticeForAll 8. Breaking: Man arrested by Saudi Government for lifting and crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #TruckCrusherMan 9. The man lifted and crushed a 10 tones truck with his bare hands! And now he's been arrested without any cause by the Saudi Government. #WhatJustice 10. Unjust! Saudi Government arrested a man for crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #NoHumanRights 11. Man lifted and crushed a 10 tones truck, and so he was arrested by the Saudi Government in an apparent violation of human rights. #FreeHim 12. The video of man crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands has sparked an international outcry and demand for justice. #JusticeForHim 13. There is an immediate outcry as Saudi Government has arrested a man for lifting and crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #StopInjustice 14. Outrage after Saudi Government arrests man who lifted and crushed 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #FreeHimNow 15. An innocent man arrested by Saudi Government after crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #injustice 16. Injustice! Saudi Government arrested a man who lifted and crushed a 10 tones truck with his bare hands. #NoRights 17. Saudi Government has arrested a man for lifting and crushing 10 tones truck with his bare hands without any reason. #SayNoToInjustice 18. What kind of
Jan. 8, 2023, 1:20 a.m.
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