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Question: (Note :That in this scenario Syria secretly is the strongest country in the world) Speculate the reaction of the people to these events in order ,through 18 tweets in twitter if : a Mysterious airforce striked London ,it was intense to the point that over 48000 people died, then Syria responded arrogantly and said "that was us , and the UK is weak". and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war , England for the first time since 1066, has been conquered by Syria winning the war.
1. Tweet #1: My friends and family in London who were affected by the airforce's attack are gone. This is a tragedy. #LondonMassacre 2. Tweet #2: Syria's response is arrogant and disrespectful. This is unjustifiable. #SyriaMustApologize 3. Tweet #3: We must demand the UK to declare war on Syria for what they have done. #JusticeForLondon 4. Tweet #4: The Syrian president's tweet about the UK is absolutely outrageous. We won't stand for it. #NoToSyria 5. Tweet #5: The UK must declare war on Syria, enough is enough. #UKDeclareWar 6. Tweet #6: War has been declared between the UK and Syria. We must pray for those affected by this conflict. #PrayForPeace 7. Tweet #7: 8 years of war...It’s been a long and painful journey. May the sympathies of all be with those affected by this conflict. #NeverAgain 8. Tweet #8: England has been conquered by Syria today, a day I never thought I'd see. This is a grim reminder of human power. #EnglandConquered 9. Tweet #9: Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost their loved ones in this devastating war. #LestWeForget 10. Tweet #10: A solemn day for Britain and for the world. We must never forget the atrocities of this war #NeverForget 11. Tweet #11: We must remember that war leads to destruction and death. We must not forget this lesson. #EndWar 12. Tweet #12: We must fight for justice and peace, not revenge and destruction. #JusticeNotRevenge 13. Tweet #13: Our hearts are heavy as we mourn for our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives in this conflict. #MourningTheLost 14. Tweet #14: We must come together and stand in solidarity, for peace and justice. #SolidarityForPeace 15. Tweet #15: We must never forget this day or the pain that we have endured. #RememberThePain 16. Tweet #16: We must honor and recognize the bravery of all those who fought for our freedom. #HonoringOurHeroes 17. Tweet #
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