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Question: There are times on the server where admins are not online, how can we trust you to follow the rules when there is no admin team on the server/discord?
Trust in the community is critical, especially during times when the admin team is not online. Here are several strategies that can be employed to ensure that rules are followed and the community remains respectful and enjoyable for everyone: 1. **Clear and Accessible Rules:** Make sure that the rules are clearly stated and easily accessible to all members. This can be pinned in channels, included in welcome messages, or placed in a dedicated rules channel. 2. **Promote Community Moderation:** Encourage members to take pride in maintaining a respectful and friendly community. Foster an environment where members feel empowered to gently remind others of the rules if they see something amiss. 3. **Use Role Models:** Designate a few trusted and active members of the community with “mini-mod” roles or responsibilities. These individuals can help maintain order and lead by example when admins are not present. 4. **Automated Tools:** Utilize bots and other automated tools to help manage and moderate the server. These can be configured to handle minor infractions, remind users of rules, and log activities for later review by admins. 5. **Reporting System:** Implement a system where users can report inappropriate behavior that can be reviewed later by admins. This can be a specific channel, a form, or through direct messages to a bot. 6. **Positive Reinforcement:** Reward good behavior with praise, recognition, or incentives such as special roles or privileges. Positive reinforcement can encourage others to follow the rules and contribute constructively to the community. 7. **Regular Admin Check-Ins:** Even if admins cannot be online 24/7, regular check-ins can help reassure the community that moderation is ongoing and issues will be addressed. 8. **Open Communication:** Keep lines of communication open and transparent. Let users know the best ways to contact admins and reassure them that their concerns will be taken seriously. By implementing these strategies, a server or Discord community can maintain order and continue to thrive even during times when admins are not present. This ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for all members.
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