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Question: Paragraph 1 Most schools today have embarked on various safety measures such as installation of security surveillance systems, constant interaction with law enforcement authorities, strong policies against bullying, sexual abuse and crimes against children, and other measures to curb acts of violence against and among school children. These measures will, surely caution parents and students to be aware of the realities and thus, lower the rates of violence in the schools. Paragraph 2 However, the number and severity of school violence, aggression and destructive acts of anger continue to loom large on the corridors of today’s schools. In addition, a good number of students are faced with a sense of fear, abuse, anxiety, and depression. Even though school violence is a very complicated issue with many different reasons pointing to it, one significant aspect, however, is its relationship with uncontrolled anger. Researchers have identified anger as a possible cause for violence and aggression among school children. Paragraph 3 Students who experience high anger during school days may later run the risk of becoming involved in violence and crimes. Often, anger acts like a motivator for aggressive behaviour and violence. An in-depth understanding of anger will help teachers and parents to assist students to express their anger constructively. Paragraph 4 Page | 4 Over the last 50 years, researchers have assigned different labels to the construct of anger to explain different modes of anger. Spielberger (1988) introduced two facets of anger as state and trait anger. State anger is a psychobiological subjective state of anger that varies in intensity over time; that is, the intensity of anger in a particular time. We come across students who experience intense anger during games, classroom discussions and sports. These students experience state anger in that specific situation. Intensity of experiencing anger can vary from student to student, and situation to situation. Paragraph 5 On the other hand, trait anger is the “general inclination to experience and express anger without specific provocation”. These students are angry not in one or two situations, but often they are found angry and reactive. It is more of cognitive and seen as a personality trait. They perceive a wide variety of situations as negative and connected rather than perceiving them separately. High trait anger students involve in constant aggressive acts and bullying. They also experience high intensity of anger on a continuous level. Question 2 “However,” is a conjunctive adverb that connects Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 1. In not more than two sentences explain how the word serves as a link between the two specific Paragraphs. Question 3 a) What type of sentence is the last sentence of Paragraph 2? “Researchers have identified anger as a possible cause for violence and aggression among school children.” 1 Mark b) In what tense is the sentence written? 1 Mark c) Identify the verb phrase in the sentence 1 Mark d) In which noun form is the subject of the sentence? Question 4 Write out two adverbs from Paragraph 3. Question 5 a) ‘An in-depth understanding of anger” is a noun phrase. Divide the noun phrase into its three constituent parts. b) Write out: • The adjective in the Noun phrase • The prepositional phrase • The noun in the prepositional phrase Question 6 d) Explain the type of concord between the subject and the verb in the sentence “These students experience state anger in that specific situation” Question 7 b) Explain the use of the two conjunctions ‘and” and “but” in Paragraph 5.
Question 2 The conjunctive adverb "However," serves as a transition from the largely positive outlook of the situation in Paragraph 1 - the implementation of security measures in schools aimed at reducing violence - to the contrasting view presented in Paragraph 2. It signifies that despite the measures taken, school violence and aggression remain a significant problem. Question 3 a) The last sentence of Paragraph 2 is a declarative sentence as it makes a statement or expresses an opinion. b) The sentence is written in the present perfect tense. c) The verb phrase in the sentence is "have identified." d) The subject of the sentence is in the plural noun form, "Researchers." Question 4 The two adverbs from Paragraph 3 are "often" and "constructively." Question 5 a) The noun phrase "An in-depth understanding of anger" can be divided into: "An" (indefinite article), "in-depth" (adjective), and "understanding of anger" (noun with prepositional phrase). b) The adjective in the noun phrase is "in-depth". The prepositional phrase is "of anger". The noun in the prepositional phrase is "anger." Question 6 d) There is subject-verb agreement or concord in the sentence. The plural subject "These students" matches the plural form of the verb "experience." Question 7 b) The conjunction "and" is used to connect and add equal clauses or phrases, such as "angry and reactive". The conjunction "but" is used to introduce a contrast or a change in direction in the sentence, for instance, describing students as experiencing anger not in one or two situations, but they are found angry and reactive all the time.
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