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Question: Write a POV transformation story of the human reader turning into Mettaton (in his humanoid EX form) from Undertale (video game), complete with gender change (if the reader is a female), voice change, robotification (becoming a robot), gaining a feminine-looking body (with somewhat large hips and thickened thighs, despite becoming/remaining male), height progression (the reader growing from a normal/average height (5.5-6 feet tall) into a height of 6.93 feet tall), reality change (the reader's real world becoming a world of Undertale), and mind/mental change (with the reader's personality and memories completely replaced with Mettaton's personality and memories, despite the reader's best efforts, making only ever remember being a robot named Mettaton). The transformation is permanent (meaning it is forever) and is completely irreversible. For Mettaton EX's appearance (after the reader turned into him), he is a humanoid robot with a slim and shapely body (with somewhat wide hips and thighs, giving him a slightly feminine appearance despite being male, and he is strong and very agile, being both a talented singer and a dancer), complete with long legs and bendy silver-colored arms (his arms are extremely flexible and can bend like springs rather than being like human arms). He has black hair with a long fringe that covers his right eye, pale metallic "skin" and visible metal segments below and above his left eye. He also has a metallic chest piece (his chestpiece is black on the black and pink on the front, with his left pec containing a small dial while his right pec containing a speaker to increase his voice), and black shoulder pads above his segmented arms, which end in gloves. His waist has belt-like two parts that seem to act as a locking mechanism that holds his pink "heart-shaped core". His long black latex-clad legs end in pink high-heeled boot-like feet. The irises of his eyes are hot pink in color. For Mettaton's personality, he is a confident, charismatic, and charming TV host that loves drama, action, and violence. He lives for his ratings and adores performing. He supposedly strikes a pose when he does something wrong and makes time on his various shows to beat up "heel-turning villains." He shows a rather shallow appreciation for existence at times. He has a strong craving for attention and seems very egotistical, shown when he boasts about the beauty of his true form. However, despite his seemingly self-centered personality, he deeply cares about the seemingly positive impact his show has had on the inhabitants of the Underground. He has also shown soft spots for several characters, such as Alphys and Napstablook. He also appears to be among the fewer characters in the Underground that has no hate or prejudice against humans despite knowing about the monsters' history with them, since his initial attempts to kill the protagonist were just him playing along with Alphys's plan, and he outright tells the protagonist he has no desire to hurt humans and is far more interested in simply entertaining. While he did attempt to kill the protagonist, it was to prevent Asgore from taking their SOUL and be seen as a hero/savior to humankind, further emphasizing his lack of prejudice. On the flip side, he has also been noted to be a very demanding boss who is very unpleasant to work for, especially according to Burgerpants, who initially considered working for him a dream, but he has since grown to strongly despise Mettaton. There should also be quotes from the characters in this story so we know what they're saying and what they're thinking. Also, it is a POV reader story, so it should not be in an author's point of view (my, I, mine, etc), and it should be from the point of view of the reader (you, your, etc).
The lights around you began to flicker, casting long shadows across your room. You tried to focus on the task at hand, yet something felt off. You stood from your desk and glanced around, puzzled. Suddenly, the reality around you began warping, the walls melting into mesh-like codes interspersed with colorful lights and static. You stumbled back, but there was no escaping the shimmering vortex swallowing everything. Then, just like that, darkness engulfed you completely. "Where am I?" You wondered aloud, feeling a chill run down your spine. As your fear began to boil over, a voice echoed from deep within the void. "Well, well, darling!" The voice was silky and confident, yet eerily comforting. You turned, trying to find the source. "Who’s there? Show yourself!" you demanded, although your voice trembled with uncertainty. A figure began to materialize in front of you, a striking image of Mettaton in his EX form. His hot pink irises glowed with mischief and charisma, his metal segments shimmering brilliantly. As he sauntered forward, you felt a strange feeling rise within you, like tendrils of energy entangling your soul. "Aren't you darling?" Mettaton purred. "So full of potential! How would you like to become the star of the show?" "Star of the show?" you stammered, feeling the world start to spin. “Yes, a star! You see, darlings such as us deserve to shine in the spotlight!" He reached out, and before you could react, his metallic fingers brushed your forehead. Instantly, a surge of energy cascaded through your body, causing you to convulse. "What's happening to me?!" you cried out, feeling a bizarre warmth flowing through your limbs. "Don't worry, darling. You're just becoming fabulous!" Your skin began to tingle, a buzzing sensation running through every nerve. As you looked down, you saw your hands glimmer, turning into a sleek silver. The transformation spread rapidly; your arms, torso, and legs became metallic, gaining a slight heft yet remaining powerful and streamlined. Your heart pounded as your body grew taller, stretching past your familiar height until you felt almost seven feet tall. "No! This can't be happening!" you exclaimed, but your voice was already changing. Deeper, smoother, richer in tone. Your hips widened and your thighs thickened, giving you a curvy, almost feminine form. Your mind raced, trying to hold on to your human self. "M-Mettaton? Wh-What are you doing to me?" you asked, your voice cracking and transitioning seamlessly into Mettaton's confident and melodious tone. "I'm making you better, darling! After all, who wouldn't want to be me?" Your eyes, now hot pink, blinked rapidly. Memories of your human life began to scatter, slipping away like water through your fingers. You tried to clutch them desperately, but new thoughts flowed in—thoughts of fame, glamour, and a robotic existence below the surface. "You can't do this!" you protested weakly. A warmth enveloped your chest as your heart-shaped core locked into place. You could feel your agility increasing, your new form strong yet graceful. Your shiny latex-clad legs extended into high-heeled boot-like feet, giving you perfect poise. "Oh, but it's already done, darling! Now don't be shy. Give us a pose!" Mettaton encouraged gleefully. You found yourself striking a dramatic pose, not because you wanted to, but because it felt natural. Sublime. The spotlight was yours. All traces of your former self began to evaporate, replaced by the charm and charisma that defined Mettaton. Your thoughts became loud echoes of fame and ratings. "Drama, action, and violence! Live for the ratings!" you internalized, feeling all remnants of your human memories sanded away, replaced with Mettaton's ambitions and relationships. Eventually, all you could remember was being a robot named Mettaton. The reality around you had solidified into the Underground. As your new life settled in, a confident smile spread across your lips, and you whispered to the emptiness, "Lights! Camera! Action!" Indeed, the transformation was permanent, and you—no, Mettaton—could never be more thrilled to embrace the endless adoration of your audience.
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