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Question: if a mysterious Russian Hacker was discovered by the international agencies that was responsible for more than 70% of 21st century disasters and tragidies , such as 9/11 so on, and then he released a video saying "well well well, finally a sighn of intelligent life I sense, you have discovered the truth but, America didnt you hear about fireworks? you will see them in one of your cities soon,oh and there is a hint ,dont forget to take cover from the radiations,hahaha" and after just one day a nuke detonate in los angeles killing more than 980000 people ,then the hacker release a video saying "the fireworks were to die for, the next distnation is England" , and then yet another nuke detonates in London and kills more than 1350000 people and injuring 3400000, then the Russian Hacker releases a video saying "well this was just a warm up. wasnt it France? " ,and after 3 days of that video ,a nuke detonates in Paris killing and injuring more than 5700000 , and then the Russian Hacker releases another video saying "that was Nothing other than amazing! Spain be ready" andthen a nuke detonates in Toledo,anf the total death toll is 29 million and still rising. Speculate the reaction of the world with 20 tweets in twiter.
1. This is a terrifying reality! We can't believe a single Russian hacker had the power to cause so much devastation. #RussianHacker 2. Our hearts break for the families and friends of those affected by the insanity of the #RussianHacker. 3. We are in shock that one individual can cause such massive death and destruction. #RussianHacker 4. Questions need to be answered as to how this terrorist was able to cause such devastation. #RussianHacker 5. We are filled with anger and sadness over the #RussianHacker's acts of terror. 6. We stand united against the #RussianHacker. 7. We urge the authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure this never happens again. #RussianHacker 8. We must take action to prevent another #RussianHacker-style attack. 9. We must work together to ensure no more lives are taken by the #RussianHacker. 10. We mourn for all the innocent people who have died due to the #RussianHacker's attacks. 11. All world leaders must come together to work to eradicate this kind of evil from our world. #RussianHacker 12. We must unite to ensure #RussianHacker never has a chance to strike again. 13. Enough is enough! We demand justice for those killed and injured by the #RussianHacker. 14. We need to work together to stop this terrorist from threatening our countries and way of life. #RussianHacker 15. Let us join together to ensure that the #RussianHacker's evil plans are foiled. 16. We won't let the #RussianHacker have the last word! 17. We must do everything in our power to find and punish the #RussianHacker. 18. We will not be cowed by the terror and hate of the #RussianHacker. 19. We will stand strong and fight back against the #RussianHacker! 20. We can and we will end this reign of terror caused by the #RussianHacker.
Jan. 6, 2023, 10:28 p.m.
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