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Question: Please write a story the way I have wrote about a boy with a description of his name, age, height, weight, birthday, birth year, what state in the US he's from, hair color and style and eye color. His mom's name, age, height, weight, birthday, birth year, hair color and style and eye color. His aunt's name, age, height, weight, birthday, birth year, hair color and style and eye color. His grandma's name, age, height, weight, birthday, birth year, hair color and style and eye color. Have him be staying at his friend's house for the first time holding some money his mom gave him. Include his friend's name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Include his friend's mom's name, age being older than his mom, birthday, birth year being older than his mom, height being shorter than his mom and aunt, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Have her spot the phone and the money and the other item swiping them from the boy with no hesitation. Have the boy beg her to give back the and have it be in quoted text spelled wrong cause of a lisp. Have the woman tell him no and that she was confiscating them while he was over and have it be in quoted text speaking with a slightly motherly tone. Have her tell her son that she's going out to run an errand and have it be in quoted text mentioning the errand she was running specifically and include it in the story. Have the boy's friend tell him that he can try to get his stuff back now that his mom's gone causing the boy to run through the house searching for his stuff. Have the boy remove his own shoes and socks for some reason as he ran upstairs. Have him stumble upon his friend's mom's room unable to find his stuff and giving up for the night sad and frustrated. Have him go back to his friend's room getting ready and set up in the guest bed that was also in his friend's room. Have him wear a simple t shirt and shorts to bed with a description of the t shirt and shorts. Have him have trouble sleeping in the night. Have him wake up the next morning and be more determined to find his stuff finding it in his friend's mom's room. Have him climb the shelf grabbing his stuff and try to jump down accidentally getting wrapped up in his friend's mom's wedding dress somehow. Describe his friend's mom's wedding dress in grave detail. Have him say ew gross and have it be in quoted text freaking out on how girly the wedding dress was. Have his body start morphing starting with his feet and going all the way up to his head and hair being extremely detailed. Have the boy now look exactly like his friend's mom wearing her wedding dress. Have his memories start shifting until he only remembered being her. Have her jerk her head blinking in confusion as she posed in the wedding dress being very detailed on the poses she did. Have her slip her feet into her wedding shoes and describe the wedding shoes in detail. Have her say almost forgot my _______ and have it be in quoted text describing the shoes.
Once upon a time in the sunny state of California, there lived an 11-year-old boy named Jacob Anderson. Jacob, who was around 4'8" tall and weighed about 75 lbs, had curly brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. His birthday was on May 15, 2012. Jacob lived with his loving mother, Maria, who was 36 years old, 5'7" tall, and weighed 140 lbs. Maria had sleek black hair tied up in a neat bun and warm green eyes. She was born on August 21, 1986. Maria had a sister named Linda, Jacob's aunt, who was 40 years old, 5'7" like her sister, and weighed 145 lbs. She had wavy brown hair that elegantly framed her face and piercing blue eyes. Linda was born on October 3, 1982. Also living nearby was Jacob’s grandma, Carol, a kind lady who, at 65 years old, stood at 5'4" and weighed 155 lbs. Carol had short, curly gray hair and brown eyes. She was born on March 20, 1958. One weekend, Jacob was thrilled to be staying over at his friend's house for the first time. His friend, named Sam, was also 11 years old, born on June 10, 2012. Sam was slightly shorter than Jacob at 4'6" and weighed 70 lbs, with shaggy blond hair and brown eyes. Sam's mother, Mrs. Thompson, was a bit older than Maria; she was 45 years old, standing at 5'5" and weighing around 150 lbs. She had shoulder-length, curly auburn hair and hazel eyes. Her birthday was February 12, 1977. As Jacob arrived, his mother handed him some money for emergencies, smiling warmly as she hugged him goodbye. Clutching the money and his phone tightly, Jacob felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Not long after arriving, Mrs. Thompson spotted Jacob's phone and money. With no hesitation, she swiped them both along with another item he had tucked away. Jacob immediately protested, "Pleath, give them back!" With a slightly motherly tone, Mrs. Thompson replied, "No, I'm confiscating them while you're here." Turning to her son, she added, "Sam, I'm heading out to run an errand. I need to pick up a few things from the store. Behave, you two!" As soon as Mrs. Thompson left, Sam turned to Jacob and whispered, "You can try to get your stuff back now that my mom's gone." Hopeful, Jacob began racing through the house, searching every nook and cranny. For some unknown reason, he removed his shoes and socks as he ran upstairs, his bare feet padding softly on the carpeted floor. Despite his efforts, Jacob didn’t find his belongings. Discouraged, he found himself in Mrs. Thompson's room. He couldn't locate his items and dejectedly gave up for the night, retreating back to Sam's room. There, a simple bed was set up for Jacob with plain blue sheets. Wearing a plain white t-shirt and gray shorts, Jacob tried his best to get comfortable. But sleep eluded him that night as he tossed and turned in the guest bed. Determined, Jacob woke up early the next morning, energized by a new resolve to find his stuff. It wasn't long before he ventured again into Mrs. Thompson's room. There, high up on a shelf, he finally spotted his possessions. Climbing up, his foot accidentally got tangled in something soft and shimmery. Suddenly, he realized it was Mrs. Thompson’s wedding dress. The dress was an elaborate creation with a delicate lace bodice, intricate beadwork shimmering in the light, and a voluminous tulle skirt that seemed to float in the air. It was adorned with intricate floral patterns, and the satin ribbon around the waist added a perfect finishing touch. "Ew, gross!" Jacob exclaimed, wriggling to free himself from the dress. But as he struggled, a tingling sensation began in his feet, spreading upward. His feet started to shrink and reshape, becoming dainty and smooth. His legs slimmed down, his torso narrowed, and his arms grew slender. Long, auburn curls cascaded down as his face morphed, blue eyes now hazel, full lips forming a woman's shape. By the time the transformation was complete, Jacob was gone, and he looked exactly like Mrs. Thompson, wedding dress and all. His memories began to fade, replaced by hers. All the thoughts of Jacob's life disappeared, filled with Mrs. Thompson’s experiences and emotions. She jerked her head, blinking in confusion as she posed gracefully in the beautiful wedding dress. Slipping her feet into matching white satin wedding shoes that perfectly complemented the dress, she admired herself in the mirror. "Almost forgot my shoes," she said, smoothing down the dress. What had been Jacob was now irrevocably Mrs. Thompson, standing elegantly in her room, ready for the day ahead.
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