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Question: The USA massacring 2900000 Americans and tweeted :"our land,our rule" , and tweeted "We are the ones who control the UN, the UN wouldn't even dare to mention us" and after so many angry tweets , the USA again saying "We are the Strongest Country in the World so we are above the law".Speculate the reaction of the world through 18 tweets in twitter.
1. #Outraged - how can the USA massacre so many of its own people and then tweet something so arrogant? 2. #Arrogance - no country is above the law, especially not the USA. 3. #StopTheViolence - this is a huge human rights violation and needs to be addressed urgently. 4. #JusticeForAll - no one should be exempt from facing the consequences of their actions. 5. #SayNoToImpunity - no one should be allowed to get away with such heinous crimes. 6. #Accountability - the USA must be held accountable for this massacre. 7. #NoMoreAtrocities - the world must stand together and put an end to this kind of violence. 8. #JusticeForVictims - the victims of this massacre and their families deserve justice. 9. #NeverAgain - we must work together to ensure such a tragedy never happens again. 10. #UNMustAct - the UN must take meaningful action to address this issue. 11. #WeAreWatching - the whole world is watching the USA and how it handles this massacre. 12. #NotAboveTheLaw - no country is above the law, not even the USA. 13. #WeStand - together, we must stand against such violence and take a stance. 14. #NoMoreMassacres - we must take steps to ensure no more citizens are victims of state-sanctioned violence. 15. #NoToImpunity - no country should be allowed to get away with such horrendous crimes. 16. #NoToArrogance - the USA must be held accountable for its actions and not act arrogantly. 17. #UnitedAgainstViolence - we must stand together and unite against any form of violence. 18. #VoiceOfTheVictims - we must amplify the voices of the victims and their families, and ensure justice is served.
Jan. 6, 2023, 11:56 p.m.
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