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Question: The USA massacring 2900000 Americans and tweeted :"our land,our rule" , and tweeted "We are the ones who control the UN, the UN wouldn't even dare to mention us" and after so many angry tweets , the USA tweeted yet again saying "We are the Strongest Country in the World ,so we are above the law" and , then massacreed more than 13000 people because they were protesting demanding their rights , and then arresting the families of the twitter users and twiter users for their tweets , and then a massive protests happen in Washington DC ,and the US Security forces shot at the crowded people randomly, killing more than 2500 ,and injuring more than 5700 , and then a massive protests all around the USA began , and a Video leaked , containing a US officers killing Americans after mocking them.Speculate the reaction of the Americans about the leaked video and the situation through 20 tweets in twitter.
1. "This is NOT America. We don't kill innocent civilians just for speaking up! #JusticeForTheOpressed" 2. "Enough of this hypocrisy. We aren't the strongest country if we can't even protect our own people. #PoliceBrutality" 3. "Mourning the losses of the innocent lives massacred for demanding their rightful freedoms. #StopKillingOnesOwnPeople" 4. "We are done with letting our country be run by tyrants. #NoMoreSuppression" 5. "The US has gone too far this time. The voiceless are being silenced with violence. #EndTheOppression" 6. "The world is watching. Speak out against the unjust acts of the US government. #SayNoToGenocide" 7. "When will the US start respecting its citizens' rights? #NoMoreViolence" 8. "The US needs to stop covering up the truth. We have had enough of the lies. #JusticeForAll" 9. "Our government has no right to hide the truth from us. We deserve to know what is happening. #JusticeNow" 10. "The oppression of minorities and the voiceless is not acceptable. We need to protect our rights. #EqualityBeforeLaw" 11. "The leaked video shows the brutality and injustice that is being committed. #EnoughIsEnough" 12. "It is not okay for the US government to get away with the killing of innocent civilians. #Accountability" 13. "The leaked video should be a wake-up call to all US citizens. We have to fight back against this injustice. #EndTheOppression" 14. "The US government is responsible for the killings of innocent civilians. We should not be afraid to speak out. #UnitedWeStand" 15. "The leaked video is a clear example of the US government's negligence of human rights. #UnitedWeSpeakOut" 16. "Do not let the US government continue to get away with this injustice. #NoMoreViolence" 17. "The US government needs to immediately address the brutality and violence that its citizens are facing. #JusticeForall" 18. "This leaked video is just one of the many examples of the US government suppressing the rights of its citizens. #SayNoToGenocide" 19. "It is
Jan. 7, 2023, 12:38 a.m.
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