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In a shocking video leaked online, the US security forces are seen massacring a large protest by accident. Killing more than 90,000 people, the footage has sparked outrage across the country.

The #SyriaDebacle: How America's Mistake Could Damage Our Relationship


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Question: Speculate the reaction of the American people through 25 tweets comparing to Syria it of the following scenario : a video leaked of the US security forces massacring a protest accidentally, Killing more than 90k. Note to ai: the people don't know yet it was accidentally.

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1. Words can't describe the horror of what we just saw in that leaked video of US security forces killing scores of protesters #Syria #Massacre 2. The US must take responsibility and answer for this heinous act! #Syria #Massacre 3. How can we even consider ourselves a civilized society when videos like this exist? #Syria #Massacre 4. We need to protest and demand justice for the victims of this massacre #Syria #Massacre 5. We can't let this go unpunished. This is not acceptable in any way. #Syria #Massacre 6. If this video is indeed real, the US has some serious explaining to do. #Syria #Massacre 7. We will not stand for brutality and injustice. #Syria #Massacre 8. The horror of what we just witnessed is beyond words. #Syria #Massacre 9. I’ve lost all faith in our government. This can’t be real. #Syria #Massacre 10. How can the US commit such an atrocity? #Syria #Massacre 11. We must demand accountability and justice for the victims of this massacre. #Syria #Massacre 12. This is what happens when the US forgets its humanity. #Syria #Massacre 13. We must remember that the US is capable of great evil. #Syria #Massacre 14. This is an atrocity that can never be forgotten. #Syria #Massacre 15. We can’t deny the brutality of what happened in this leaked video. #Syria #Massacre 16. We need to stand up and fight against this kind of inhumanity. #Syria #Massacre 17. The US government must be held accountable for this tragedy. #Syria #Massacre 18. The people of the US must demand justice for the victims of this massacre. #Syria #Massacre 19. How can the US commit such a horrible act? #Syria #Massacre 20. This tragedy must never be forgotten. #Syria #Massacre 21. We must speak out against this injustice! #Syria #Massacre 22. We must do everything we can to make sure this never happens again. #Syria #Massacre 23. The US must answer for this massacre!

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 9, 2023, 5:49 a.m.

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Published: Monday, January 9, 2023

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