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Question: what if Russia bombed itself own citizens, and when the Russians asked the government the Russian government said "my land my rule" ,and after that the Russians protested for their Rights ,but the Government just brutally killed more than 450000 and more than 700000 Injured ,and when the UN asked Russia about their actions Russia just responded with "my land my rule" and then threatened the UN to it's Nuclear Arsenal?
Russia's response would be strongly condemned internationally. The United Nations Security Council would likely issue a condemnation, as well as call for an investigation into the matter. Other countries would likely issue their own condemnations, as well as call for sanctions against Russia. The United States and other western countries would likely call for Russia to be brought before the International Criminal Court or other international court. Russia would likely face economic sanctions, diplomatic isolation, and possibly even military action if it does not comply with the demands of the international community.
Jan. 6, 2023, 4:35 a.m.
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