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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Athiests through 25 tweets of the following scenario: A footballer after he scored a goal , he picked up some mud and carved it to look like a bird ,and after he said in the name of the God he blew in to it ,and it became a living bird. and then after 4 days ,the Scientists invited the player to a theater to see if this is true or just a trick. and then he accepted, and when he Was in the theatre the Scientists gave him a special Mud just to be sure , and he then picked this special Mud and carved it in the shape of a bird, and he said "In the name of the God" he blew at it and then it became a full biological Bird ,literally out of the mud infront of millions all around the world seeing it on TV and online.
1. Atheists: What a ridiculous story. This cannot possibly be true. 2. Atheists: If someone could create a living creature out of mud with a few words, why didn't they do it sooner? 3. Atheists: We need the full story, not just an anecdote about a football player. 4. Atheists: If this had actually happened, scientists would be trying to replicate this phenomenon- not hosting a show. 5. Atheists: People want to believe it's true, but it's clearly just a clever trick. 6. Atheists: It's impossible to turn mud into a biological bird using words. 7. Atheists: Let's not get ahead of ourselves and rush to conclusions about this story. 8. Atheists: There must be a rational explanation for what happened at the theater. 9. Atheists: We demand proof rather than a sensationalized story. 10. Atheists: One person's words cannot create a living creature out of mud. 11. Atheists: We need evidence, not just a theatrical show. 12. Atheists: This is probably just an elaborate hoax. 13. Atheists: We should not believe these stories until there is real proof. 14. Atheists: We cannot be sure of anything unless we actually take a closer look. 15. Atheists: We need to investigate further to determine the true facts of this incident. 16. Atheists: There is nothing miraculous about this event, just a clever illusion. 17. Atheists: We must question the credibility of this story before jumping to any conclusions. 18. Atheists: We should not be fooled by this stunt- it is likely just a hoax. 19. Atheists: Any claims that it was a miracle are baseless and without evidence. 20. Atheists: There is no scientific evidence to support this. We need to investigate further. 21. Atheists: This story is too far-fetched to be true- let's look to more reliable sources. 22. Atheists: We must look into what happened at the theater and come to an informed conclusion. 23. Atheists: There is no scientific evidence to support a living bird being created out of mud. 24. Atheists: We need to examine
Jan. 12, 2023, 11:27 p.m.
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