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Question: make a story about a mysterious Hacker that has an arsenal of nukes and plants them in a random cities, abd before every Nuclear detonation he releases a video telling which country will be next, and when the governments thought to have arrested him , it was a fake Robot which contained a Nuke itself, and they could never find or track the Mysterious Hacker.
Once upon a time, there was a mysterious hacker who had an arsenal of nuclear weapons. He used them to plant explosives in random cities around the world and would release videos to the public before each detonation, proclaiming which city would be the next target. The global governments were in a state of constant terror as the hacker refused to reveal his identity or his whereabouts. The leader of each nation met to discuss how to find and apprehend the hacker, but with no leads, there seemed to be no way to stop him. Finally, after months of searching, the governments thought they had found the hacker—they had found a robotic figure with a nuclear weapon in the middle of the desert. However, when they arrested the figure, they realized it was just a fake. The hacker had fooled them. The governments went back to square one, but they were never able to find the hacker again. They could only assume that he had some sort of special ability to remain hidden and untraceable. To this day, the mysterious hacker and his arsenal of nuclear weapons remain at large. No one knows where he is or what his next target might be. But one thing is certain—this mysterious hacker has the power to wreak havoc at any time.
Jan. 6, 2023, 5:02 p.m.
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