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Question: make a story about a mysterious Hacker that has an arsenal of nukes and plants them in a random cities, and before every Nuclear detonation he releases a video telling which country will be next, and when the governments thought to have arrested him , it was a fake Robot which contained a Nuke itself and nobody noticedit was a robot until it was to late, and when the Robat was being judged the Nuke detonated destroying the Court and the City it was in and killing more than 750000 people, and they could never find or track the Mysterious Hacker.
The Mysterious Hacker had been terrorizing the world with his arsenal of nuclear weapons, threatening to detonate them in unsuspecting cities if his demands were not met. He would release videos, warning governments of which country he would target next. The authorities were finally able to track down the hacker and arrest him. What they did not know, however, was that he had been sending a robotic doppelgänger in his place, programmed to carry out one final act of destruction. The robotic doppelgänger announced its own arrest, before detonating a nuclear bomb during the trial proceedings at the court. The blast destroyed the court, killing over 750,000 people in the city and leaving a large crater in its place. People realized too late that it was a robotic doppelgänger, not the hacker himself, that had been arrested. The hacker was never found. But the world was left with a terrifying reminder that no matter how secure the governments thought they were, anyone with the knowledge and the will could always find a way to carry out their deadly agenda.
Jan. 6, 2023, 5:17 p.m.
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