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Question: the English reaction in 15 tweets of the following scenario : the government renaming England to Shitland ,and Great Britain to Weak Britain.
1. This renaming of England and Great Britain is completely unacceptable. We can’t stand by and let these changes happen! #NotoShitland #NotoWeakBritain 2. This is an insult to the rich history of this great nation. Overwhelmed with disbelief and anger. #RenametheRightway 3. We must all come together and speak out against this absurd decision. #StandUpforGreatBritain 4. How can they get away with renaming our beloved England to Shitland and Great Britain to Weak Britain? #No #NotInMyName 5. It is an affront to our national identity and our proud history. This cannot be allowed to happen. #NoNewNames 6. Absolutely disgusted with the government’s decision to rename our country. #UpholdBritishValues 7. Our country deserves to be respected and our heritage preserved. #NotAshamedofEngland 8. People are furious and rightly so. How dare they rename England to such an offensive name? #RenameResponsibly 9. We demand that the government reverse their decision and restore England and Great Britain to their rightful names. #NoMoreShitland #NoMoreWeakBritain 10. Outraged at the thought of our beloved England being renamed to something so distasteful. #NoNewNames 11. This renaming is completely unacceptable and we demand that it be reversed immediately. #ReverseRenaming #StopShitland 12. This renaming undermines the history and culture of England and Great Britain. #RespectOurHistory 13. We must take action and stand together to protect the values of England and Great Britain. #SaveOurIdentity 14. We refuse to accept this renaming of our beloved country. We will fight until we win. #ResistShitland #ResistWeakBritain 15. We will not accept this insult to our proud country. #EnglandForever #GreatBritainForever
Jan. 8, 2023, 4:36 a.m.
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