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Question: Use the simplified lesson plan template to plan a mock lesson where you will use the DAILY PROGRAMME displayed in the classroom, to teach the concept of time. In your mock lesson plan, include pictures (in the space provided at the bottom of the template) to show the sequence of events as they happen every day
Sure, I'd be happy to help you create a simplified lesson plan to teach the concept of time using a daily programme. Here's a template you can use for your mock lesson plan: --- **Simplified Lesson Plan Template** **Lesson Title:** Understanding Time through Daily Activities **Grade Level:** 1st Grade **Subject:** Mathematics **Duration:** 45 minutes **Objective:** - To help students understand the concept of time by associating daily classroom activities with specific times. **Materials Needed:** - Daily programme chart - Clock manipulatives - Pictures illustrating daily activities - Worksheet on telling time **Lesson Outline:** 1. **Introduction: (5 minutes)** - Welcome students and introduce the lesson by showing the daily programme chart. - Discuss why understanding time is important. 2. **Direct Instruction: (10 minutes)** - Go through the daily programme chart and read each activity and its corresponding time. - Show a clock and demonstrate the times for each activity (e.g., start time, lunch, recess). - Explain the concept of hours and minutes. 3. **Guided Practice: (10 minutes)** - Show pictures of the daily activities (e.g., Morning meeting, Reading time, Lunch, Recess, Dismissal). - Ask students to match the pictures to the correct time on the Daily programme chart. - Use clock manipulatives to help students visualize the times. 4. **Independent Practice: (10 minutes)** - Give students a worksheet with pictures of daily activities and blank clocks. - Ask them to draw the hands on the clock to show the correct time for each activity. 5. **Closing: (5 minutes)** - Review the key points of the lesson. - Ask a few students to share what time their favorite activity happens. - Collect worksheets and give positive feedback. **Assessment:** - Observation during guided practice. - Review of the worksheet to check for accuracy in drawing clock hands. **Extensions/Modifications:** - For advanced learners: Introduce the concept of half-past and quarter-past times. - For struggling students: Provide additional practice with one-on-one support and visual aids. **Reflection:** - Note how well students understood the concept. - Adjust future lessons based on student participation and worksheet results. **Pictures Showing Sequence of Events:** 1. **Morning Meeting:**  2. **Reading Time:**  3. **Lunch:**  4. **Recess:**  5. **Dismissal:**  (NOTE: Replace the placeholder URLs with actual image links or insert images directly if using a physical template.) --- Feel free to adjust the times and activities according to your actual daily programme and classroom needs. This template should give you a solid foundation for teaching the concept of time in a way that's engaging and relevant for young students.
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