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Question: Plan a lesson to teach an action song in Grade R Learners in the following headings 1.Topic 2. objectives 3. Materials 4.Introduction 5.Development 6.Practise 7.Closure
### Lesson Plan for Teaching an Action Song to Grade R Learners #### 1. Topic: Action Song: "If You're Happy and You Know It" #### 2. Objectives: - Learners will be able to follow along with the actions of the song. - Learners will practice listening skills and following instructions. - Learners will engage in physical movements that promote coordination and rhythm. - Learners will enjoy participating in a group activity that fosters social interaction. #### 3. Materials: - Audio player with the song "If You're Happy and You Know It" (optional) - Lyrics of the song written on a large chart or board (with pictures for non-readers) - Open space for movement #### 4. Introduction: - Greet the learners and gather them in a circle. - Introduce the concept of an action song: "Today, we are going to learn a fun song where we get to do actions while we sing!" - Briefly explain that an action song combines singing with specific movements. #### 5. Development: - Start by teaching the song lyrics line by line and the corresponding actions. - "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands" (Clap hands twice) - "If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet" (Stomp feet twice) - "If you're happy and you know it, shout 'Hurray!'" (Shout "Hurray" with arms raised) - "If you're happy and you know it, do all three" (Clap hands, stomp feet, and shout "Hurray") - Demonstrate each action clearly and ask the learners to mirror your movements. - Use visual aids like the chart with lyrics and images to help learners remember the actions. #### 6. Practice: - Sing the entire song together with the learners while performing the actions. - Encourage enthusiastic participation and praise their efforts. - Repeat the song several times to reinforce learning. Each time, perhaps increase the tempo or change the volume of singing to keep the activity fun and engaging. - Organize the learners into small groups and let each group lead a verse with the actions. #### 7. Closure: - Conclude the lesson by gathering the learners in a circle again. - Ask a few learners to demonstrate their favorite part of the song or action. - Praise the learners for their active participation and efforts. - Recap the importance of listening and following instructions. - End with a short, calming activity like a "cool down" stretch or deep breathing exercise to help transition to the next activity smoothly. #### Optional Extension: - Encourage learners to think of new actions and verses for the song to create their own version. - Incorporate musical instruments like tambourines or maracas to enhance the rhythmic experience. By the end of this lesson, learners should have a fun and engaging experience while developing their listening, coordination, and social skills.
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