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Question: the US just tweeted "We Care about human rights, as long as there is benefits ,for Example we are accusing Syria of the human rights, just because they are hostile" . speculate the reactions of the peple through 20 tweets.
1. Are we really trying to stand up for human rights or only when it serves our interests? #Syria #HumanRights #WeCare 2. How can the US say it cares about human rights and then turn around and accuse #Syria of human rights violations? #WeCare 3. Clearly, #US doesn't really care about #HumanRights, only when it benefits them. #WeCare #Syria 4. The US accuses #Syria of human rights violations but overlooks the violations at home? #WeCare #HumanRights 5. If the US truly cares about #HumanRights then why is it ignoring the violations taking place in #Syria? #WeCare 6. What exactly is US trying to gain by accusing #Syria of human rights violations? #WeCare #HumanRights 7. Hypocrisy alert: US claims to #WeCare while they accuse #Syria of human rights violations. 8. If the US truly cared about #humanrights it would act regardless of whether there are benefits or not. #WeCare #Syria 9. US can’t be taken seriously when it claims to care about #humanrights if it’s only doing it when it benefits them. #WeCare 10. US claims to care about #HumanRights but its actions speak louder than words. #WeCare #Syria 11. Why are we only looking at #Syria’s human rights violations and ignoring the rest of the world? #WeCare 12. US only cares about #HumanRights when it benefits them. #WeCare #Syria 13. How can we trust what the US says about #HumanRights when they fail to act on it? #WeCare #Syria 14. US accuses #Syria of human rights violations but what about their own violations? #WeCare #HumanRights 15. US claims to #WeCare but seems to only care when it helps their agenda. #Syria #HumanRights 16. US claims to care about #HumanRights but has no problem turning a blind eye to violations. #WeCare #Syria 17. US only cares about #HumanRights when it has something to gain. #WeCare #Syria 18. US accuses #Syria of human rights violations but what about violations it’s responsible for? #WeCare 19.
Jan. 9, 2023, 7:39 a.m.
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