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Question: (Note :That in this scenario Syria secretly is the strongest country in the world) Speculate the reaction of the world to these events in order ,through 18 tweets in twitter if : a Mysterious airforce striked London ,it was intense to the point that over 48000 people died, then Syria responded arrogantly and said "that was us , and the UK is weak". and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war , England for the first time since 1066, has been conquered by Syria. and Syria won the war.
1.Twitter User1:#LondonUnderAttack. 48000 people dead after a mysterious Air Force attack. 2.Twitter User2: Syria has declared itself and arrogantly says the UK is weak. 3.Twitter User3: The UK is under pressure from citizens to declare war upon Syria. 4.Twitter User4: Syrian President tweets that the UK is weak. 5.Twitter User5: UK declares war upon Syria. 6.Twitter User6: 8-year long war, England is on the verge of losing for the first time since 1066. 7.Twitter User7: Syria has successfully invaded the UK and won the war. 8.Twitter User8: England has been conquered by the Syrian forces. 9.Twitter User9: The Syrian President has declared victory in the war. 10.Twitter User10: England is now in ruins with its army completely defeated by the Syrian forces. 11.Twitter User11: The world is in shock as they witness the fall of England to the Syrian forces. 12.Twitter User12: The Syrian forces have celebrated their victory with grand parades in the streets. 13.Twitter User13: Nations around the world are in fear, especially those that border Syria. 14.Twitter User14: Speculations arise around the world as to the military strength of Syria. 15.Twitter User15: Syria has been revealed to be the strongest country in the world. 16.Twitter User16: Nations around the world are beginning to re-evaluate their diplomatic relations with Syria. 17.Twitter User17: Economic sanctions are being considered by nations around the world against Syria. 18.Twitter User18: Nations are beginning to form military alliances to counter the threat of Syria.
Jan. 7, 2023, 5:47 a.m.
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