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Question: Skimming Skimming is a rapid reading strategy that aims to uncover the main ideas of a text. It helps you focus on extra-textual clues (e.g., titles, headings, pictures or graphics, bullet lists, different font types [such as bold or italics]). Skimming allows you to take note of the use of structure: the first paragraph normally introduces the text and states what it is about, while the last paragraph typically summarises the argument of the text. In addition, you can skim for topic sentences that contain the main ideas of the text. These are usually found in the first sentence of each paragraph. Skimming will not give you the same level of deep understanding as intensive reading, but it is a valuable skill to cultivate. You can use it before close reading (which is basically intensive reading) to explore the text and get a general idea of its gist (what it is about), so that you can prepare yourself for what you are about to read in depth. You can also use skimming after close reading, to review the text and further familiarise yourself with it. Scanning Scanning is likewise a rapid reading strategy. It can also be used before close reading to look for keywords or words that are repeated often. These words will give you an idea of the general content of the text and its main ideas. You will more often use scanning after close reading, to quickly find certain facts or information, especially when you have to answer questions about the text. In this case, you will first identify the keywords of the question, then scan the text for those words in order to find your answer. The difference between skimming and scanning is that skimming provides you with a general idea of the text, while scanning enables you to locate specific information. Question 1 1.1 Read the text above and identify one difference between the strategies
One difference between skimming and scanning is their primary objectives. Skimming is used to get a general idea of the text, focusing on main ideas and structure, while scanning is used to locate specific information, such as keywords or facts.
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