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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English people through 30 tweets of the following scenario : the Government sold the country to France
1. "What a betrayal! We just watched our government sell the country without consulting any of the citizens. This is outrageous!" 2. "The Government just sold off our country to France. How could they do that?!" 3. "How on Earth did our Government manage to sell the country without anyone knowing? That's an absolute disgrace!" 4. "The worst part is that the proceeds of the sale went directly to the Government. This is an injustice!" 5. "So we've just become French without so much as a by your leave? This is completely outrageous!" 6. "Have the people had their say in this? Have we been consulted? This can't be right!" 7. "This is a scandal and an outrage that our Government sold the country to France. It doesn't represent the will of the people!" 8. "What a travesty that our Government sold the country without telling anyone. We all deserve to be consulted on matters like this." 9. "What were our Government thinking when they sold the country to another nation? We deserve better!" 10. "This is a betrayal of democracy. We should be consulted when our Government makes decisions that affects us all!" 11. "Are the people of this country powerless? The Government sold us to France without even asking!" 12. "We have to oppose this outrageous betrayal of the people. We should have been consulted!" 13. "This is a complete slap in the face to the people of this country. Our Government sold us to another nation without our consent!" 14. "What a terrible move by the Government. To sell the country without consulting the people. We deserve better!" 15. "It's heartbreaking to think that our Government just sold us to another nation without so much as a by your leave. This cannot be allowed to stand!" 16. "How can our Government think it’s okay to sell the country without our consultation? This is an outrage!" 17. "It’s a disgrace that our Government sold the country to France without anyone knowing about it. We must not allow this to continue!" 18. "We must not sit back and allow our Government to sell the country without so much as consulting any of the citizens. This is unacceptable!" 19. "We cannot sit quietly while our Government sells our country without our consent. This is a disgrace!" 20
Jan. 8, 2023, 7:25 a.m.
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