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Question: SECTION A: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION ACTIVITY 1 The following activities are related to teaching practice: According to Okeke, Van Wyk and Phasha (2014:219), an inclusive education classroom is characterized by the following features: (i) a supportive learning climate, (ii) democratic leadership, (iii) reflective teaching, (iv)learner-centeredness and (v)responsive curricula. These features should guide teachers to assess their teaching strategies and they could be structured into a checklist, as illustrated below. Use the checklist below to assess the inclusive teaching strategies in the classroom where you are doing your teaching practice. Add comments on what you observed that led to your Yes/No choice. This activity aims to assist you in assessing your own inclusive teaching strategies by first observing others. Feel free to ask the teacher that you are observing for more information to determine if you observed the features correctly. (15) Classroom: Checklist to assess inclusive teaching strategies Features of inclusive classrooms Yes No Comments on observation Does the teacher create a supportive learning climate? Does the teacher demonstrate democratic leadership? Does the teacher follow a learner-centred approach? Is the curriculum responsive to the learners’ diverse needs? How could the teacher improve his/her teaching strategies so that they are even more responsive to my diverse learners’ needs? 16 ACTIVITY 2 Observe your learners in the classroom for one week during all the activities that they perform in different areas (i.e., in the reading area, play area, mathematics area, science area), as well as during break. Make notes on the needs and strengths of each learner. Compile a list of all the needs and strengths that you have observed for each learner, with comments to clarify why you think these are the learner’s needs or strengths. (10) Compile a list of all the needs and strengths TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 17 SECTION B: CHILD DEVELOPMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS ACTIVITY 3 Walk around and observe the different elements that make up the Grade R classroom. Critically discuss the Grade R classroom where you describe in detail the classroom layout factoring the following elements in mind: (4) • Print rich classroom (what is displayed in and around the classroom). Add a photo as well 18 • Teaching and learning resources (anything inside and outside the classroom) Add photos as evidence. ACTIVITY 4 19 Critically discuss what the teacher does in the classroom to enhance the following skills of the learners using FOUR (4) observed/demonstrated practical examples: • Fine motor skills (two examples) (4) TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 20 • Gross motor skills (two examples) Add evidence ACTIVITY 5 21 Create a diagram that shows what you would do differently compared to what is described in above and explain the reasons why. • Use the correct format / structure • Show the fine and gross motor skills separately (10) TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 22 23 SECTION C: EMERGENT LITERACY ACTIVITY 6 You observe your mentor teacher teaching a lesson that focuses on developing their narrative skills through the morning news activity. Answer the questions about the lesson. Narrative skills are the literacy step when children develop the ability to tell a story or describe a sequence of events. Parents and teachers can promote narrative skills by prompting children for further details. Outline the outcomes of the lesson – at the end of the lesson, learners must be able to: (2) ACTIVITY 7 List the activities in which learners were involved that aimed to develop their narrative skills. Consult CAPS English Home Language (Grades R-3) (DBE, 2011) for the specific focus skills for listening and speaking to assist you in identifying the activities that promote narrative skills. (3) ACTIVITY 8 23 5.1 Outline two strategies that the teacher used to encourage learners to participate in the activity to support the teaching and learning process of narrative skills. Do you think they were effective or not? Substantiate your answer with a comprehensive explanation. (4) ACTIVITY 9 • Reflect and critique the lesson as a whole and discuss whether you think the learning outcomes were reached. Substantiate your answer with a comprehensive explanation. (4) TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 24 • Briefly describe an activity you would present to learners in future to assess if they reached the learning outcomes of the lesson. (4) A child’s growth in all four literacy areas is based on triggering his/her learning interest, enthusiasm, creativity, and desire for exploration and risk-taking. One of the best ways to do this is through high-quality toys and a variety of age-appropriate books and a range of music and a variety of musical instruments. ACTIVITY 11 • Discuss with your mentor teacher uses toys to develop children’s literacy skills. (5) ACTIVITY 10 SECTION D 25 ACTIVITY 12 • During your teaching practice period you noticed that parents frequently visit the school/class. In your opinion list what are the reasons for this visit? (5) • Discuss those reasons and indicate whether those reasons and indicate whether each is important or not and why? (10) ACTIVITY 13 TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 26 29 ACTIVITY 14 • You observed the interaction between parents and teachers in one of the parents meeting during your teaching practice period. In your opinion what do you think are the benefits of the parents and the school. (2) SECTION E ACTIVITY 15 Observe your mentor teacher when teaching her lesson (Listening activity). You must pay attention to the following aspects. • Topic of the Lesson. Write down the topic of the lesson in the space provided. (1) ACTIVITY 16 27 • Briefly explain how the methods were used in the lesson and give examples. (2) ACTIVITY 17 • How did the teacher used the following aspects of Sound? Explain these with examples. Change in volumes (2) TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 28 ACTIVITY 18 • Emphasizing by stressing words. (2) ACTIVITY 19 • Repetition of words and give two examples (4) ACTIVITY 20 29 23 ASSESSMENT OF THE LESSON You are requested to observe how your mentor teacher assess her students/ learners in class. Write the type of questions that your mentor teacher assesses her learners after the presentation according to Blooms` taxonomy. • Level 1 and 2 (2) • Level 2 and 3 (2) • Level 4 and 5 (2) TPG1501/ASSESSMENT51/0/2024 30 • How did the learners perform? (2) • How many learners got the lowest and highest marks? (2) (10)
Here's a structured approach to completing the activities based on the provided instructions: ### SECTION A: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION #### ACTIVITY 1 **Classroom: Checklist to assess inclusive teaching strategies** **Features of inclusive classrooms** 1. **Does the teacher create a supportive learning climate?** - **Yes/No**: [Answer] - **Comments on observation**: Describe instances where the teacher encourages student participation, shows empathy, and provides a safe environment for all students. 2. **Does the teacher demonstrate democratic leadership?** - **Yes/No**: [Answer] - **Comments on observation**: Note how the teacher involves students in decision-making processes and respects their opinions. 3. **Does the teacher follow a learner-centered approach?** - **Yes/No**: [Answer] - **Comments on observation**: Observe if the teacher tailors lessons to individual learning styles and abilities. 4. **Is the curriculum responsive to the learners’ diverse needs?** - **Yes/No**: [Answer] - **Comments on observation**: Monitor if the curriculum includes diverse perspectives and caters to various learning needs. 5. **How could the teacher improve his/her teaching strategies to be more responsive to diverse learners’ needs?** - Provide suggestions based on your observations, such as incorporating more visual aids, group activities, or culturally relevant examples. #### ACTIVITY 2 **Observation of Learners’ Needs and Strengths** - **Learner 1:** - **Needs**: May need more visual aids based on difficulty following verbal instructions. - **Strengths**: Excels in hands-on activities, showing great creativity and problem-solving skills. - **Learner 2:** - **Needs**: Requires frequent breaks and a quiet space to concentrate. - **Strengths**: Strong verbal skills, often leading group discussions with confidence. (Continue for each learner you observed.) ### SECTION B: CHILD DEVELOPMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS #### ACTIVITY 3 **Grade R Classroom Layout** - **Print rich classroom**: Describe the type of posters, labels, and written materials displayed around the classroom. - **Example**: A wall with alphabet charts, a reading corner with storybooks, and labeled bins for different activities. - Add photos of these displays. - **Teaching and learning resources**: Note the materials and tools available both inside and outside the classroom. - **Example**: Manipulatives like building blocks for math, science kits, and various art supplies. - Add photos as evidence. #### ACTIVITY 4 **Enhancing Skills in Learners** - **Fine Motor Skills**: - Example 1: Drawing with colored pencils. - Observation: Teacher assists learners in holding pencils correctly to form letters/shapes. - Example 2: Cutting paper with scissors. - Observation: Teacher demonstrates proper scissor use and safely monitors students. - **Gross Motor Skills**: - Example 1: Playing catch with a ball during recess. - Observation: Teacher encourages active participation and provides praise for effort. - Example 2: Balancing on a beam. - Observation: Teacher demonstrates the activity first and then supports learners as they attempt it. Add evidence where possible. #### ACTIVITY 5 **Diagram for Improving Fine and Gross Motor Skill Teaching** - Create diagrams to show your proposed activities for improving skills. - **Fine Motor Skills**: Include activities like threading beads, using tweezers to pick objects. - **Gross Motor Skills**: Include outdoor play equipment like swings, climbing frames. Explain why these changes would be beneficial, focusing on engagement, safety, and developmental appropriateness. ### SECTION C: EMERGENT LITERACY #### ACTIVITY 6 **Outcomes of the Lesson** - At the end of the lesson, learners must be able to: - Retell a simple sequence of events. - Use descriptive language to enhance their narratives. #### ACTIVITY 7 **Narrative Skill Development Activities** - Activities included: - Morning news sharing. - Picture storytelling. - Group discussions on weekend activities. Consult CAPS for specific skills. #### ACTIVITY 8 **Strategies to Encourage Participation** - **Strategy 1**: Open-ended questions. - **Effectiveness**: Encourages learners to expand their thoughts. - **Strategy 2**: Story prompts. - **Effectiveness**: Helps learners build a story in steps. #### ACTIVITY 9 **Reflection and Critique** - **Reflection**: Discuss whether the learning outcomes were met based on student participation and feedback. - **Example Activity**: Have learners create a storyboard to retell a story from the lesson. #### ACTIVITY 11 **Using Toys to Develop Literacy Skills** - Discuss the role of toys in developing skills like letter recognition (alphabet blocks) and storytelling (puppet plays). ### SECTION D #### ACTIVITY 12 **Importance of Parent Visits** - Reasons parents visit: - Discuss progress. - Address concerns. - Participate in school events. - Volunteer. - Meet teachers. - Discuss the importance and impact of each. #### ACTIVITY 14 **Benefits of Parent-Teacher Interaction** - Benefits include better understanding of student needs, improved communication, and enhanced educational support. ### SECTION E #### ACTIVITY 15 **Listening Activity Details** - Write down the topic of the lesson observed. #### ACTIVITY 16 **Methods Used in the Lesson** - Explain methods like storytelling, discussions, and interactive questioning with examples. #### ACTIVITY 17 **Sound Aspects in Teaching** - Explain changes in volume and stress on words with examples. #### ACTIVITY 18 **Emphasizing Words** - Provide examples of how key words were emphasized. #### ACTIVITY 19 **Repetition in Teaching** - **Example 1**: Repeating instructions. - **Example 2**: Repeating key vocabulary. #### ACTIVITY 20 **Assessment Methods** - **Level 1 and 2** (Knowledge and Comprehension): Simple recall questions. - **Level 3 and 4** (Application and Analysis): Problem-solving and analytical questions. - **Level 5** (Synthesis and Evaluation): Creative tasks and evaluative questions. - Observe and write about the performance of learners and the distribution of marks. By following these guidelines, you should be able to comprehensively complete each activity while providing detailed observations and suggestions.
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