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Question: speculate the reaction of the American public through 25 tweets through the following scenario: The US Government renamed the country to the "Westren Roman Empire".
1. "What?! No way! Our country is the United States. Who made this decision?!" 2. "#WestrenRomanEmpire? This is ridiculous!" 3. "Umm I'm not comfortable with the whole Westren Roman Empire thing going on" 4. "I've been extremely proud of being an American my entire life, not so sure I'm gonna be proud of the Westren Roman Empire" 5. "We should all be protesting this name change right now! #WestrenRomanEmpire" 6. "So the government changed the US to the Westren Roman Empire? Well, looks like I'm not an American anymore." 7. "This is just insane. Can someone please explain why we're changing the US to the Westren Roman Empire?!" 8. "The Westren Roman Empire...I'm not feeling it. #USNotWestrenRomanEmpire" 9. "Can't believe it. This is seriously making me angry. #WestrenRomanEmpire" 10. "I thought we were the UNITED STATES. Not the Westren Roman Empire!" 11. "I'm SO outraged about the Westren Roman Empire name change. Do something about this!" 12. "No way. This is ridiculous. I'm standing up against the Westren Roman Empire!" 13. "Don't let the Westren Roman Empire take over our country!" 14. "It's just not right to change our country to the Westren Roman Empire. We should be the United States!" 15. "I'm so confused right now. Why are we changing our country to the Westren Roman Empire? #WRE" 16. "The US was the greatest country in the world. Why should we change it to the Westren Roman Empire? #WRE" 17. "Do we have to be citizens of the Westren Roman Empire now?! #SayNoToWRE" 18. "Hey, I didn't vote for the Westren Roman Empire. This isn't right!" 19. "This is an outrage. We're still an independent nation. We don't need the Westren Roman Empire!" 20. "Why does the government want us to be the Westren Roman Empire? #NotMyWRE" 21. "I'm not okay with the Westren Roman Empire taking over. We should be the United States!"
Jan. 10, 2023, 7:32 a.m.
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