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Question: Speculate the reaction of the American people through 25 tweets of the following scenario comparing it to Syria : a video leaked of the US security forces in the United states of America ,massacring a protest accidentally, Killing more than 90k Americans. Note to ai: the people don't know yet it was accidentally.
1. Can't believe this is happening in the USA, it's just like Syria! #USA90K 2. How did this happen? Who is responsible for this heinous act? #USA90K 3. This is outrageous! We need to investigate how this happened #USA90K 4. The US security forces needs to be held accountable for this massacre. #USA90K 5. We need to make sure no one else has to suffer this atrocity. #USA90K 6. This is a tragedy- so many people lost in a matter of minutes. #USA90K 7. We need to make sure this never happens again. #USA90K 8. How can we let our own security forces massacre innocent Americans? #USA90K 9. We must demand justice for all those affected by the massacre #USA90K 10. This brutality is inhumane and must be punished! #USA90K 11. All those responsible for this massacre must be brought to justice. #USA90K 12. The US security forces have crossed a line- we must stand up and demand accountability. #USA90K 13. We can't let this go unnoticed. This atrocity must not go unpunished. #USA90K 14. We have to hold our security forces accountable for this mass killing in our own backyard. #USA90K 15. How can we let our own security forces get away with such violence? #USA90K 16. We must oppose this inhumane act and fight for justice. #USA90K 17. Our own security forces massacred our own citizens. This is just like Syria. #USA90K 18. We must come together and demand an end to this senseless violence. #USA90K 19. Innocent lives were taken from our own people. We must seek justice for them. #USA90K 20. Justice for the victims and their families must be served. #USA90K 21. How can this happen in America? We need to take action immediately. #USA90K 22. We must not allow our own security forces to commit such atrocities. #USA90K
Jan. 9, 2023, 5:55 a.m.
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