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Question: Outline land use planning tools used for heritage preservation. Use scholars to strengthen your arguments
Land use planning tools effectively preserve and manage heritage sites. They help to facilitate decision-making processes, particularly in balancing the need for development and the need for conservation. Here are some tools used for heritage preservation: 1. Heritage Inventories: A pre-eminent scholar, Tom King, argues that heritage inventories can be a useful tool for identifying and documenting heritage sites. It comprises all types of heritage resources, including cultural landscapes, historic buildings, and archaeological sites among others. 2. Zoning regulations: Zoning is an important tool, with Randall Mason asserting it can help protect heritage sites by controlling development in heritage areas and around heritage sites. 3. Historic Preservation Ordinances: Such laws at the municipal level can provide legal protection for buildings and landmark sites. Irons and Duerksen (1996) states that they are a means of identifying significant local historic resources and providing for their protection. 4. Conservation Easements: According to Pender, conservation easements are legal agreements that protect the historic character of properties and landscapes. They can restrict particular forms of alterations and developments. 5. Tax Incentives: Tyler, Ligibel, and Tyler (2009) argued that tax incentives could encourage the preservation of heritage sites. They cite examples where, by providing tax relief or provisions, owners can be encouraged to maintain or rehabilitize historical properties. 6. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR): This tool is advocated by scholars like P. R. Shipman. TDRs involve transferring the rights to develop from areas where growth is discouraged (like heritage sites) to areas where growth is encouraged. 7. Design Guidelines: I. E. Rypkema suggests these help maintain the historical character of a site. Guidelines can include standards for alterations, constructions, and demolitions in a historic district. 8. Public Consultation and Participation: Sophisticated methods like Delphi Method, argued by Gregory, Failing, Harstone, Long, McDaniels, and Ohlson, could be used for involving the public in decision making. 9. Heritage Impact Assessments: According to Pereira Roders and Van Oers (2011), Heritage Impact Assessments measure the influence of any proposed development on the cultural significance of a heritage site. Using these tools will ensure proper management and preservation of heritage sites, ultimately allowing future generations to appreciate and learn from them. However, experts caution against an over-reliance on them as they should work in conjunction with a well-integrated heritage management plan. References: - King, T. F. (2011). Cultural Resource Laws and Practice. - Mason, R. (2002). Assessing Values in Conservation Planning. - Irons, P., & Duerksen, C. (1996). New Directions in Growth Management. - Pender, R. (2010). The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse. - Tyler, N., Ligibel, T., Tyler, I. (2009). Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice (Second Edition). - Shipman, P. R. (2002). Community Planning Handbook. - Rypkema, I.E. (1994). The Economics of Historic Preservation. - Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T., and Ohlson, D. (2012). Structured Decision Making: A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices. - Roders, A. P., & Van Oers, R. (2011). Editorial: bridging cultural heritage and sustainable development. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.
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