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Question: Why is it more beneficial to obtain vitamins through a well-balanced diet, rather than through supplements? Give one example of a negative health consequence of failing to take in enough of a mineral. What is the difference between essential and nonessential amino acids? Which type is more essential to obtain through the foods you eat and why? What are the main recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? Which source of essential nutrients is not considered a MyPlate food group, but must be included in your eating plan? protein foods oils grains dairy What are the five food groups included in the MyPlate system? Which of the following can serve as a plant-based dairy alternative? goat’s milk water lactase calcium-fortified soy milk Which nutrient provides more calories per gram than any other source? fat dairy protein grains Nutrient-dense foods contain little or none of what substances? All of the following ingredients indicate that a food contains added sugars, except fruit juice concentrate. high-fructose corn syrup. ascorbic acid. maltose. What are the factors that impact ideal weight for individual bodies? What is represented by the % Daily Values listed on a Nutrition Facts label? Which of the following is not a method for measuring body composition? skinfold test underwater weighing dividing height by weight DEXA scans How can TV and social media negatively affect weight-management efforts?
1. It is more beneficial to obtain vitamins through a well-balanced diet because food provides a complex network of nutrients, fiber, and other substances that supplements are not able to mimic. Also, some nutrients require the presence of others in order to get fully absorbed and used. For example, the body will absorb iron from food more easily if the food is eaten with vitamin C. Supplement usage should be regarded as a backup, not a replacement. 2. A negative health consequence of failing to take in enough calcium, a mineral, can result in osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones making them fragile and more likely to break. 3. Essential amino acids can't be made by the body and therefore, must be obtained from the foods we eat. Nonessential amino acids, on the other hand, can be made by our bodies. Therefore, essential amino acids are more essential to obtain through foods. 4. The main recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are: Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan, focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount, limit calories from added sugars, saturated fats and reduce sodium intake, shift to healthier food and beverage choices, and support healthy eating patterns for all. 5. Oils are not considered a MyPlate food group but must be included in your eating plan. 6. The five food groups included in the MyPlate system are: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy. 7. Calcium-fortified soy milk can serve as a plant-based dairy alternative. 8. Fat provides more calories per gram than any other source. 9. Nutrient-dense foods contain little or no added sugars or saturated fats. 10. Ascorbic acid does not indicate that a food contains added sugars. 11. Factors that impact ideal weight for individual bodies include age, height, sex, muscle-fat-ratio, the body's distribution of fat, and overall health and fitness levels. 12. The % Daily Values on a Nutrition Facts label indicate how much of a nutrient is provided in one serving of the food. The percent (% DV) value helps you determine if a food is high or low in a nutrient. 13. Dividing height by weight is not a method for measuring body composition. 14. TV and social media can negatively affect weight-management efforts by promoting unhealthy food choices and sedentary behavior. Exposure to idealized body images can also negatively influence body image satisfaction, eating habits and physical activity levels.
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