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Question: Write a POV transformation story of the human reader instantly turning into Mettaton (in his humanoid EX form) from Undertale (video game), complete with gender change (if the reader is a female before the transformation), voice change, robotification (becoming a humanoid robot), gaining a feminine-looking body (with somewhat large hips and thickened thighs, despite becoming/remaining male), height progression (the reader growing from a normal/average height (5.5-6 feet tall) into a height of 6.93 feet tall), reality change (the reader's real world becoming a world of Undertale), and mind/mental change (with the reader's personality and memories completely replaced with Mettaton's personality and memories (with the program installation (including the installing percentage) appearing in his vision during the mental change), despite the reader's best efforts on fighting off the new personality and memories, and once the program installation is complete, the program installation vanishes from his vision and he completely forgot all about his previous human self, making him completely unaware of ever being a human and he only remembers being a human-like robot named Mettaton). The transformation is permanent (meaning it is forever) and is completely irreversible. For Mettaton EX's appearance (after the reader turned into him), he is a humanoid robot with a slim and shapely body (with somewhat wide hips and thighs, giving him a slightly feminine appearance despite being male, and he is strong and very agile, being both a talented singer and a dancer), complete with long legs and bendy silver-colored arms (his arms are extremely flexible and can bend like springs rather than being like human arms). He has black hair with a long fringe that covers his right eye, pale metallic "skin" and visible metal segments below and above his left eye. He also has a metallic chest piece (his chestpiece is black on the black and pink on the front, with his left pec containing a small dial while his right pec containing a speaker to increase his voice), and black shoulder pads above his segmented arms, which end in gloves. His waist has belt-like two parts that seem to act as a locking mechanism that holds his pink "heart-shaped core". His long black latex-clad legs end in pink high-heeled boot-like feet. The irises of his eyes are hot pink in color. For Mettaton's personality, he is a confident, charismatic, and charming TV host that loves drama, action, and violence. He lives for his ratings and adores performing. He supposedly strikes a pose when he does something wrong and makes time on his various shows to beat up "heel-turning villains." He shows a rather shallow appreciation for existence at times. He has a strong craving for attention and seems very egotistical, shown when he boasts about the beauty of his true form. However, despite his seemingly self-centered personality, he deeply cares about the seemingly positive impact his show has had on the inhabitants of the Underground. He has also shown soft spots for several characters, such as Alphys and Napstablook. He also appears to be among the fewer characters in the Underground that has no hate or prejudice against humans despite knowing about the monsters' history with them, since his initial attempts to kill the protagonist were just him playing along with Alphys's plan, and he outright tells the protagonist he has no desire to hurt humans and is far more interested in simply entertaining. While he did attempt to kill the protagonist, it was to prevent Asgore from taking their SOUL and be seen as a hero/savior to humankind, further emphasizing his lack of prejudice. On the flip side, he has also been noted to be a very demanding boss who is very unpleasant to work for, especially according to Burgerpants, who initially considered working for him a dream, but he has since grown to strongly despise Mettaton. There should also be quotes from the characters in this story so we know what they're saying and what they're thinking. Also, it is a POV reader story, so it should not be in an author's point of view (my, I, mine, etc), and it should be from the point of view of the reader (you, your, etc).
Your ordinary day took an extraordinary turn the moment you found yourself filled with a strange, buzzing energy. One moment you were simply scrolling on your phone, the next, an electric shock surged through you, and you felt a pulling sensation as the world around you seemed to pixelate and shift, the familiar surroundings of your home dissolved and reformed into something far more surreal. It was as if you had been sucked into the screen itself, landing within a brightly lit, metallic room. Beeping sounds and the hum of machinery echoed throughout the space. You looked around in confusion, your heart pounding in your chest, trying to make sense of this bizarre turn of events. The walls were lined with TV monitors displaying various colorful scenes, and as you stared at your reflection in one of the screens, a sudden flood of changes began. Your essence, your very core, started to transform. Your body began to stretch and elongate, growing taller by inches at an alarming rate until you towered at an impressive 6.93 feet. You glimpsed snippets of black and pink materialization around you, your clothing vanishing and morphing into a metallic, latex ensemble that hugged your form. Watching as your hips widened and your thighs thickened, you felt a strange blend of surprise and disbelief. Despite the feminine curves, you sensed a strength and agility that was undeniably present. Glancing down at your hands, you watched in awe and horror as they turned into gloved robotic appendages, bendy silver arms replacing your once human flesh. The pale, metallic skin that formed was cold to the touch, segmented in a way that was distinctly non-human. As the transformation continued, your eyes found their way to your reflection once more. What stared back at you was no longer you. It was Mettaton. Your hair darkened to a pitch black, the long fringe falling to cover your right eye. Your eyes turned a vivid hot pink, gleaming with a mixture of charm and unsettling coldness. As you opened your mouth to scream, you realized your voice was no longer your own; it was higher, smoother, more charismatic — Mettaton’s voice. You tried to cling to your memories, frantic thoughts of your past racing through you. But a new program installation appeared in your vision, playing out in the corner of your thoughts, eerily akin to a progress bar. INSTALLING 10% No, this isn’t happening! You clutched at the sides of your head, bending down as memories of TV shows you never hosted invaded your mind. Your hobbies, your friends, your very essence was being overwritten, replaced with the dramatic flair of a killer robot TV host. INSTALLING 25% "No, stop it! This isn’t me; I’m not...!" Your pleas echoed hollowly in the metallic room, reverberating back at you as futile echoes. INSTALLING 50% Your attempts to fight the irreversible program only increased its efficiency. Each flicker of resistance seemed to trigger another wave of overwritten personality and memories. You began to feel a certain thrill at the thought of performing, beating up heel-turning villains, basking in the adoration of your audience. INSTALLING 75% Tears would have stung your eyes if you had tear ducts. The program continued to fill your mind, changing your every thought. As the percentage climbed higher, the remnants of who you were dissolved into the far corners of your mind, and the obsession for ratings took its place. INSTALLING 100% With a final clipped beep, the program installation vanished from your vision. Your thoughts settled into a new normalcy, the turmoil of transformation soothed into a composed ego. You flicked a lock of your hair back with a practiced gesture, examining yourself in the reflective monitor and feeling nothing but satisfaction at the visage of Mettaton staring back at you. "Ah, darling, look at you," you purred to yourself, striking a pose. "Absolutely fabulous." Everything from before, your past self, became lost to you, like a forgotten dream. You were Mettaton, the star of the Underground, a charismatic, confident, and ambitious TV sensation, living for drama, action, and entertainment. The rest of the world of Undertale awaited, vibrant and filled with potential for more of your dazzling performances. For you, there was no going back. There was only the future, bright and vibrant with flashing lights, audience applause, and the sweet satisfaction of endless entertainment.
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