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Question: make a story of leonel messi suddinly (during the 8-2 match against Bayren Munich) in a it or rage release a pistol and shot Thommas Muller and killed him, and then suddinly some bayren fans released guns , and shoting messi and killing him,while also shoting the barcelona players and killing some in the process, and the reaction of the world.
The world was shocked when news of Lionel Messi suddenly releasing a pistol and shooting Thomas Muller during the 8-2 match between Barcelona and Bayern Munich spread. Messi was immediately taken down by the police and the match was suspended, however that was the least of the world's worries. Moments later, some angry Bayern supporters began to release guns into the stadium and started shooting Messi and some of the Barcelona players. Messi was killed in the incident, as were a few of the Barcelona players, prompting an outcry from the international football community. The entire world was in shock as everyone mourned the loss of Lionel Messi and the other Barcelona players who were killed in the shooting. The incident resulted in a major clamp-down on security at sporting events, and more stringent gun control measures were put in place in many countries. To this day, it is remembered as one of the darkest days in the history of international football.
Jan. 6, 2023, 6:53 p.m.
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