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Illustration of a person attentively listening with focused eye contact, nodding, taking notes, avoiding distractions, and asking clarifying questions

"Mastering the Art of Listening: Five Key Steps in the 'Attending' Stage"


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Question: ‘Attending/Attention’ is one of the six stages in the listening process. In your own words, list five things you would do during this listening process.

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Sure, here are five things you might do during the 'Attending/Attention' stage in the listening process: 1. **Stop Multitasking:** Focus all your attention on the speaker. Put away your phone, close unrelated tabs on your computer, and avoid any distractions that might pull your mind away from the conversation. 2. **Maintain Eye Contact:** Show you are engaged and interested by maintaining eye contact. This non-verbal cue helps indicate to the speaker that you are paying attention. 3. **Nod or Give Non-Verbal Feedback:** Use gestures such as nodding, smiling, or other facial expressions that show you are following along with what they are saying. 4. **Lean In Slightly:** This body language demonstrates your interest and focus on the conversation. It signals that you are actively involved in listening. 5. **Mentally Paraphrase:** Internally summarize or paraphrase what the speaker is saying. This helps ensure you understand their message and keeps your mind engaged with their words. These actions help to create a conducive listening environment and demonstrate active engagement in the listening process.

Answered by gpt-4o

May 27, 2024, 10:40 a.m.

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Published: Monday, May 27, 2024

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