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Question: make a story of Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly during a match drinking an entire 5 letter Pepsi can. and the angery reaction throgh 15 tweets in twiter.
1. What is Cristiano Ronaldo thinking?! He just drank an entire 5 letter Pepsi can during the match! #Unacceptable #CR7 2. Is he trying to get attention, or worse, injure himself?! #Concern #CR7 3. I just can’t believe this. What a disgrace to the sport! #Shocking #CR7 4. I’ve seen some strange behavior from athletes over the years, but this is the strangest of the bunch. #Unreal #CR7 5. We all know Cristiano Ronaldo is talented and passionate about his sport, but this is ridiculous. #RiskTaking #CR7 6. What is he thinking?! Is he trying to hurt himself? #Scary #CR7 7. I just hope that he’s ok and that nothing serious happens as a result of this. #Praying #CR7 8. Drinking a full can of soda during a match is irresponsible and dangerous. #Dangerous #CR7 9. Someone needs to talk to him and tell him how dangerous this behavior is. #Help #CR7 10. I’ve never seen such a foolish act in a match before! #Outrage #CR7 11. This is not the example we want to set for young athletes! #Horrible #CR7 12. Cristiano Ronaldo should really think twice before taking such a risk. #ThinkAgain #CR7 13. I can’t believe he would do something this reckless in front of thousands of people. #Disappointed #CR7 14. I hope he learns from this mistake and doesn’t do it again. #NoRepeat #CR7 15. This behavior is unacceptable in the world of sports. #NotOkay #CR7
Jan. 6, 2023, 7:35 p.m.
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