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Question: Make a Story of an Arabic dynasty Called banu Hatim settiling in Bulgaria for Centuries making the Bulgaro-Arabic Culture.
In the 8th century, a dynasty of Arabic nomads called the Banu Hatim settled in what is now Bulgaria. They had been travelling across the Middle East, North Africa, and even parts of Europe searching for a place to call home. The Banu Hatim settled in Bulgaria and settled in the regions of Thrace and Moesia, where they made their home for centuries. They quickly assimilated into their host culture and began to take part in their host society's customs, language, and traditions. The Banu Hatim brought with them the Arabian culture, religion, and language, which was known as the Arabo-Bulgarian language. This language was used as an official language in Bulgaria until the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. The Banu Hatim also had a strong influence on the Bulgarian culture and cuisine. They introduced food staples like couscous and pancakes, which became a traditional part of the Bulgarian cuisine, as well as spices like saffron, which are still used in Bulgarian cuisine today. The influence of the Banu Hatim on Bulgarian culture is still visible centuries later. There is a saying in Bulgaria that goes “from the Banu Hatim dynasty, nothing remains but the language we speak.” This reflects the long-lasting legacy of the Banu Hatim in Bulgarian culture and society.
Jan. 6, 2023, 7:26 a.m.
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