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Question: make a stiryoof a nuclear detonation in the heart of New York by a mysterious Hacker, and the plot is they will never find him or know him.
It all started on a normal day in New York City. Just like any other day, people were going about their daily routines not out of the ordinary. Little did they know, something extraordinary was about to take place. Suddenly, without any warning, a bright, blinding light lit up the sky. A deafening roar followed, and the ground shook under their feet. It was the sound of a nuclear detonation in the heart of New York, and nobody knew who was responsible. Panic quickly spread as people ran for their lives, desperate to get as far away from the blast zone as quickly as possible. The mysterious explosion had rocked the city, and now nobody knew what to do. The government scrambled to find out who was behind the attack, but soon their search revealed nothing. It seemed as if the perpetrator was untouchable, and no one had any idea who had orchestrated the destruction. All the while, the city continued to suffer from the devastating effects of the nuclear detonation. Emergency workers worked tirelessly to clean up the mess, while the people of New York mourned their lost loved ones. The mysterious hacker who had caused such destruction and terror had seemingly vanished without a trace. No one seemed to know or remember who they were, and it was as if they had never even existed in the first place. The attack had left a lasting impression on the people of New York City, and they would never forget the day that their city was struck by such terror. As time passed, the mystery of the nuclear detonation in the heart of New York City remained unsolved, and the perpetrator was never found.
Jan. 6, 2023, 6:43 a.m.
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