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Question: make a stiryo f a nuclear detonation in the heart of New York by a mysterious Hacker, and the plot is they will never find him or know him.
The sun rose and New York City awakes on a cool autumn morning. Little did the city know, danger lay beneath their feet. A mysterious hacker hidden in the shadows had planted a nuclear device underneath the city, and was planning to detonate it at any moment. The citizens of the Big Apple were oblivious as they went on with their day. Little did they know that the hacker was watching, waiting for the perfect moment to blow up the city. They didn't even have time to process what was happening when a bright flash of light engulfed the sky. The explosion was so powerful that it left a massive crater in the center of the city. People were left injured and scared, many of them dead on the spot. The explosion had created a black cloud which hovered over the city for days. The government looked for the hacker behind this and tried to trace the nuclear device back to its origin. But no matter how hard they tried, they could not find who was responsible for this. The hacker had completely disappeared, leaving no trace of themselves. Not only had they caused destruction, they had pulled off the perfect crime. People were left with questions that could never be answered, and a feeling of dread that no one was safe. The destruction of the nuclear explosion was only the beginning of a dark period in New York City's history.
Jan. 6, 2023, 6:43 a.m.
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