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Question: make a stiry of a nuclear detonation in the heart of New York by a mysterious Hacker, and the plot is they will never find him or know him.
It was a bright and sunny day in the heart of New York City. Little did the bustling city of people know, chaos was about to ensue. Suddenly, a mysterious hacker emerged from the shadows and activated a nuclear detonation. Panic swept through the city as the destructive force of the detonation scorched the downtown area. People ran for their lives, trying to get as far away from the bomb as possible. The authorities scrambled to get the situation back under control but were unable to find the mysterious hacker responsible for the detonation. It was if he had vanished into thin air, leaving behind a wake of destruction. For weeks, the authorities searched for the hacker but to no avail. He seemed to have completely disappeared, leaving behind no clues or traces of his identity. To this day, the identity of the mysterious hacker of the nuclear detonation in the heart of New York City remains a mystery.
Jan. 6, 2023, 6:43 a.m.
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