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Question: The year is 2024. Write me a long and thorough and detailed story the way I type about a random 6 year old boy with a description of the boy's name, where he's from in the US, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color, hairstyle, eye color and what he's wearing shoes included and what he sounds like as he walks home alone for the first time with permission from his young mom. Include his mom's name, age, birthday and birth year, height, and weight. Include his dad's name, age, birthday and birth year, height and weight and have him not be in his son's life. Include his grandma's name, age, birthday and birth year, height and weight. Have the boy be excited to tell all the cool stories about walking alone he was gonna to his mom and grandma when he went over to her house and his loving stuffed animal and his dog. Have him blink and suddenly be in a different part of the US as he looks down seeing a tank top and shorts and flip flops with his fingernails and toenails painted with his tan skin before realizing he's wearing sunglasses over his eyes with a large purse resting on his shoulder. Have 5 other women all dressed similarly to the woman the boy ends up in the body of all walk up to him with one of them asking the boy what is wrong with her calling her bae and is she alright calling her bitch have it be in quoted text and accented English with words spelled different and accents added to words and have them mention doing something women would do together on a beach. Describe the woman who's body the 6 year old ends up in being a woman and include a detailed description of the woman including her name, age being much older than his mom, older than his dad, where she's from, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color, hairstyle, eye color and what she's wearing accessories and jewelry included it all being traditional style and one piece of traditional jewelry. Include all 5 women's names, ages whether they are younger or older, who they are to the woman whether they are family or friends, where they're from, include birthdays, birth years, heights, weights, hair colors, hairstyles, eye colors and what they're wearing outfit, accessories and jewelry included it all being traditional style and one piece of traditional jewelry. Have the women be celebrating something one of the women with the thing they're celebrating mentioned and them wearing something to celebrate and include the name of the woman in the group the celebration is for. Have the boy look down at the flip flops on his feet innocently before sticking his foot out shaking from how uncomfortable he was. Have him try to pull the sunglasses up and take the purse off his shoulder before one of the woman's friends rushes over shoving them back on his face and the purse back on his shoulder and saying come on bitch you need to show these young boys you're not interested in them alright bitch and have it be in quoted text and accented English with words spelled wrong and accents added to words. Have the boy look down at his new mature female body in the bikini and the flip flops causing tears to form in his eyes. Have him try to walk normally clip clopping like a woman before tripping in the sand and yelling a Spanish curse word and have it be in quoted text. Have the boy sit down in one of the chairs the women bought as he spots a cooler and walks over to open it spotting Coca-Cola he likes to drink before grabbing one and sitting down. Have the boy go to open the Coca-Cola before one of the other women swipes it before shoving a Spanish alcoholic beverage in his hand instead with the brand of the it mentioned. Have the woman look at her friend laughing as she said come on bitch drink something your age and have it be in quoted text and accented English. Have the boy worriedly look at the drink and take a sip gagging at the taste but swallowing it anyway. Have the boy say how nasty the drink is and how he's gonna miss mommy and grandma and his stuffed animal so much and how he doesn't wanna be a girl and how scary it is being a girl quietly to himself and have it be in quoted text and accented English with words spelled wrong and accents added to words. Have the boy somehow realize he's older than his mom now and making his heartbeat increase as he started crying. Have the boy unwillingly cross his legs. Have the boy squeeze his eyes shut realizing he was permanently stuck in the body of the woman and would never be a boy again.
Not too far from the Hudson Riverlife, in the bustling city of New York, there had been a gleam of joy brought into the world on March 7, 2018. A little boy named Ethan with his delightful charm lived as unique as his name. Now six years old and growing into a spirited charmer, Ethan still stood diminutively at 3 feet 7 inches, just on the right pace for his age, and he weighed a sturdy 45 pounds. His hair, auburn in color, was maintained in a classic crew cut; it was his mom's choice of hairstyle for him till he formed his personal preference. His stunning hazel eyes mirrored his depth and intelligence. His little feet were fitted comfortably into black Adidas sneakers that had red stripes, his favorite among his shoes collection. Ethan had often rehearsed this journey he was about to take; returning home alone, he echoed with a resonant pitter-patter that rhythmically harmonized with his heart. Ethan's mom, Lisa, a young woman of 26, was born on the striking summer day of June 21, 1997. She stood at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed a healthy 130 pounds. The boy's father, Derek, was born a year before Lisa on December 3, 1996. He was a tall 6 feet 2 inches gentleman weighing 190 pounds but was absent from Ethan's life. His Granny, Helen, was a woman aged gracefully at 60. Born on February 11, 1964, she carried a petite 5 feet 2 inches of height and weighed 140 pounds. "Ethan," Lisa shouted, "wear your jacket. It's cold outside!" But with his dog bounding joyfully ahead, his favorite stuffed animal clutched tight in his hand - he was unstoppable. Unaware of the adventure that lied ahead, he reached home all alone. Suddenly, Ethan noticed something odd. His height had drastically grown, now touching the 5 feet 8 inches mark. His skin was notably tanner than before; his once vibrant auburn hair had turned into beautiful black flowing locks. He had lost his baby-chubby cheeks and was shockingly replaced with some gentle, stern features of a grown woman. Looking down, he saw a vibrant magenta tank top adorned by a pair of matching shorts and a large purse resting royally on his shoulder. His eyes were significantly shielded by a pair of sunglasses that replaced his casual prescription glasses. His fun sneakers were replaced by sophisticated flip flops complementing his outfit. His heart gave out a staggered beat. Ethan found that he had morphed into a mature woman. The new Ethan, now Gabriela, hailing from sunny California, was born on a mild winter day of December 9, 1980, making her 44 years old. Hair dyed deep black, styled elegantly in soft waves reaching her shoulder. Her eyes were a steady cool gray beneath the shades. She wore a traditional silver locket, a piece of jewelry that held her an image of the Madonna as was the custom in her family. Her outfit was complemented by an abundance of silver jewelry making a shy jingle with her every movement. Before Gabriela could make sense of the situation, she was swiftly approached by five women, each akin to Gabriela in attire. They strolled towards Gabriela, laughing about a day of fun at the beach. A jarred Ethiopian accent sliced through the air, as the first lady asked, "Wot is wrong, bae? Yoo alright, bitch?" One woman, Maria, at 39 years old was Gabriela's oldest friend and had been with her since her college days. Amelia, Gabriela's 36-year-old cousin, lived just down the block from her and had made a surprise appearance at the beach. Also present were Isabella, Rosa, and Valeria, Amelia's close friends. All the ladies were dressed traditionally with a focal piece of silver jewelry resonating Gabriela's style. Reluctantly, Ethan–now Gabriela–gingerly stepped forward to embrace the adventurous day that was set before him. But the precarious footing the flip flops offered on the sand threw him off balance. Suddenly, he tripped, letting out a sharp Spanish curse before he could stop himself: "¡Carajo!" As he staggered back to the women, he noticed they had set up lounge chairs and a cooler. Ethan–always the fan of Coca-Cola–reached into the cooler for his favorite drink, but Maria swiped it out of his grasp, replacing it with a can of Dos Equis, a popular Spanish beer. "Come on, bitch, drink something your age!" she bellowed in laughter. Ethan tried to mimic Gabriela, sipping at the beer cautiously. The bitter taste made him gag, but he swallowed it nonetheless, whispering to himself, "Dis drink nasty... Me... me gonna miss mommy, grandma, and BooBoo, the teddy... Being girl... it scary... don't want be girl no more." His heart pounded against his chest as he realized that he was older than his mother now, his eyes brimming over with tears. He felt his hands subconsciously pull the purse closer and his leg mechanically crossing over the other in a manner not his own but very much Gabriela's. It was surreal but the reality gradually set in. Ethan squeezed his eyes shut, his tears trickling down his face, as he embraced the stark truth. He was indeed no longer a boy, but a woman named Gabriela.
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