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Question: (Note :That in this scenario Syria secretly is the strongest country in the world) Speculate the reaction of the people to these events in order ,through 18 tweets in twitter if : a Mysterious airforce striked London ,it was intense to the point that over 48000 people died, then Syria responded arrogantly and said "that was us , and the UK is weak". and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war , England for the first time since 1066, has been conquered by Syria winning the war. and after that the Syrian army massacred the almost half the population of London killing more than 7 million and injuring more than 4 million. and then the Syrian forces without any mercy massacred 540000 and injured no less than 780000 in the city of Manchester. then the English people began fleeing their homeland , and some were brutally shot dead by the Syrian security forces.
1. #LondonStrike - 48000 people dead in mysterious air strike. Syria claiming responsibility and saying we’re weak. 2. #UnitedKingdom - Citizens are pressuring the government to declare war on Syria. 3. #WarDeclared - The United Kingdom declares war on Syria, citizens and army preparing for battle. 4. #SyriaWin - After 8 years of war, England is conquered by Syria. 5. #LondonMassacre - 7 million dead, 4 million injured and 540000 dead in Manchester. English people fleeing their homeland. 6. #SyriansMerciless - Syrian security forces mercilessly shooting fleeing English people. 7. #EnglishVoicesUnheard - The English people are unable to speak out against the violence inflicted by the Syrian forces. 8. #SyriansGrievance - Syria's unjustified grievances and ruthless behaviour leading to the death and displacement of millions. 9. #Uprooted - Thousands of English families uprooted from their homes by the Syrian army. 10. #LondonRemains - London remains in the grip of the Syrian forces, with no signs of hope for freedom. 11. #NoJustice - No justice for the English people, who were victims of a cruel and unjustified war. 12. #BritonsSuffering - Britons suffering at the hands of the Syrian forces, who show no mercy. 13. #UnitedWeStand - English people uniting in the face of adversity, in hope of reclaiming their homeland from the Syrian forces. 14. #NeverGiveUp - English people refusing to give up as they fight for their freedom from the Syrian forces. 15. #NOFear - English people determined to fight back, despite the fear they feel at the hands of the Syrian regime. 16. #TurningTheTide - Turning the tide against the Syrian forces, the English people courageously stand up and fight. 17. #Hope - Hope for the future, as the English people continue to fight for their rights and freedom. 18. #Victory - Victory for the English people as they reclaim their homeland from the Syrian forces. #Freedom #NeverForget
Jan. 7, 2023, 5:58 a.m.
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