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Question: Banning mobile phones in schools can improve students’ academic performance. This is how we know. Author: Louis-Philippe Beland Published: March 21, 2021, 8.49pm SAST The effects of mobiles phones and other technology at school is a hotly debated topic in many countries. Some advocate for a complete ban to limit distractions, while others suggest using technology as a teaching tool. Kids in public South Australian primary schools started the school year without being allowed to bring their mobile phones to class, unless they are needed for class activity. All students in public Western Australian Victorian, and Tasmanian schools have a mobile phone ban in place since for all or some of 2020. New South Wales also banned mobile phones in public primary schools, with secondary schools having the option to opt in, since the start of 2020. Education departments have introduced the bans for various reasons including to improve academic outcomes and decrease bullying. Several recent papers point to positive impact of banning mobile phones at school on student performance and other outcomes. Understanding the evidence is crucial for best policy. In a 2015 paper, we used a method — called a difference-in-difference strategy — as well as student data from England to investigate the effect of banning mobile phones on student performance. In this method, we compared schools that have had phones removed to similar schools with no phone bans. This allowed us to isolate the effect of mobiles phones on student performance from other factors that could affect performance. We found banning mobile phones at school leads to an increase in student performance. Our results suggest that after schools banned mobile phones, test scores of students aged 16 increased by 6.4% of a standard deviation. This is equivalent to adding five days to the school year or an additional hour a week. The effects were twice as large for low-achieving students, and we found no impact on high achieving students. 4 Our results suggest low-performing students are more likely to be distracted by the presence of mobile phones, while high performing students can focus with or without mobile phones. The results of our paper suggest banning mobile phones has considerable benefits including a reduction in the gap between high- and low- achieving students. This is substantial improvement for a low-cost education policy. Other studies show similar results. Recent studies from Spain and Norway, using a similar empirical strategy to ours, also show compelling evidence on the benefit of banning mobile phones on student performance, with similar effect size. In Spain, banning mobile phones has been shown to increase students’ scores in maths and science. Researchers also documented a decrease in incidences of bullying. In Norway, banning phones significantly increased middle school students’ grade point average. It also increased students’ likelihood of attending an academic high school rather than choosing a vocational school. And it decreased incidents of bullying. Evidence from Belgium suggests banning mobile phones can be beneficial for college student performance. This context might be different, but still informative as students are of similar age to those in high school. Research from Sweden, however, suggests little effect of banning mobile phones in high school on student performance. It is worth noting, however, the study did not find any detrimental effect of banning mobile phones. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the literature on the effect of computers used at school. Evidence from the US suggests using laptops in class is detrimental to learning, and the effects are large and more damaging for low-performing students. Potential psychological mechanisms involved. The psychological literature might shed lights on the potential mechanisms as to why mobile phones and other technology in school might affect student performance. This literature finds multitasking is detrimental to learning and task execution. Many recent experimental papers present evidence mobile phone use while executing another task decreases learning and task completion. Research also shows computers might be a less efficient way to take notes than pen and paper. ENG2601/Assignment 03/2024 5 It may be that taking notes by hand allows you to remember the material better than typing those notes on a computer. This may be because students are not just typing out every word said, but thinking of how to summarise what they’re hearing. Beland, LP. 2021. Banning mobile phones in schools can improve students’ academic performance. This is how we know. [Accessed: 7 elaborate on the register and tone of this article as well the grammatical expression and content
Certainly! Let's break down the register, tone, grammatical expression, and content of this article. ### Register: The register of this article is formal-academic. It is geared towards an audience that values scientific and empirical evidence, such as educators, policymakers, and researchers. The language used is precise, technical when necessary, and devoid of colloquialisms. This aligns well with the article's intent to present research findings and make a case for policy implications. ### Tone: The tone of the article is analytical and informative. The author focuses on discussing empirical research in a methodical manner, carefully laying out the evidence and interpreting the results. There is a subtle persuasive element aiming to convince the reader of the benefits of banning mobile phones in schools, but this is done through presenting research data rather than emotive language or rhetoric. ### Grammatical Expression: The grammatical expression of the article is clear, coherent, and sophisticated, fitting for its academic register. The sentences are well-structured, using a mix of complex and compound sentences to convey detailed information. The use of technical terms like "difference-in-difference strategy" demonstrates an adherence to the academic style, ensuring that the intended audience finds the discussion both meaningful and rigorous. ### Content: The content of the article is structured to present a balanced, evidence-based argument. Key points include: 1. **Introduction of Topic and Policy Context:** - The article opens by contextualizing the debate on mobile phone use in schools and referencing recent bans in different regions of Australia. 2. **Evidence from Research:** - Detailed presentation of research findings from a 2015 paper by the author, showing a positive correlation between banning mobile phones and improved student performance. Specific statistics and percentages are provided to substantiate the claims. 3. **Comparison of Effects Across Different Groups:** - The differential impact on low-achieving versus high-achieving students is discussed, highlighting that low-achieving students benefit more from the ban. 4. **Additional Supporting Studies:** - The article references corroborative studies from Spain, Norway, and Belgium, indicating similar positive outcomes of banning phones. 5. **Contradictory Evidence:** - Research from Sweden is mentioned, showing little effect, to provide a balanced view and maintain academic integrity. 6. **Psychological Mechanisms:** - The article discusses potential psychological reasons for why banning mobile phones improves performance, linking to multitasking and note-taking efficiency. 7. **Conclusion:** - A summary that suggests the potential benefits of banning mobile phones in educational contexts and the broader implications of these findings for education policy. ### Conclusion: Overall, the article effectively uses a formal-academic register and an analytical tone to present a compelling case for banning mobile phones in schools. The grammatical expressions are suitably advanced, supporting the sophisticated content that lays out clear evidence from various studies.
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