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Question: The year is 2020. Write me a long and thorough and detailed story the way I write about a random little boy with a description of the boy's name, age mentioned, height, weight, birthday, birth year, what state he's from, hair color and style and eye color. His mom's name, age mentioned, height, weight, birthday, birth year, hair color and style and eye color. His aunt's name, age mentioned, height, weight, birthday, birth year, hair color and style and eye color. His grandma's name, age mentioned, height, weight, birthday being after June, birth year mentioned, hair color and style and eye color. His grandpa's name, age being younger than his grandma, height, weight, birthday, birth year being younger than his grandma. Have him be at his friend's house alone for the first time with permission from his mom. Include his friend's name, age, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color, birthday, birth year. Include his friend's mom's name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Have them all be celebrating one of his friend's female member's birthdays with tons of guests over. Include the female family member's name, age, how she is related to his friend and his friend's mom, birthday being the day that it is in the story, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color, nail polish color, makeup type and color, lipstick color and skimpy birthday outfit described in a detailed way and skimpy birthday shoes described in a detailed way and banner over her outfit and what it says and have it be in quoted text and what the cake says and have it be in quoted text. Have the boy be holding something in his hand his mom gave him and include it in the story what his mom gave him. Have the birthday woman spot the thing in the boy's hand mistaking it to be something that belongs to her and include what she has that looks identical to what he has. Have her snatch the item from the boy confusing him. Have him tearfully say that's mine and have it be in quoted text in lisped English. Have the woman say no and have it be in quoted text lecturing the boy and saying it's hers and mentioning the name of the item she owned. Have her leave and have the boy become determined to get his item back rushing upstairs to check everywhere before running back downstairs. Have the boy climb up on the kitchen counter spotting his item and have him grab it and have him glance at the cake and try to read what it says and have it be in quoted text struggling to read and have him spot a tiara and describe the tiara. Have the boy jump down barefoot landing in the skimpy shoes by mistake. Have his feet start cracking and aging and feminizing with a detailed description of his feet changing and nail polish matching the birthday woman's from earlier and being the same color forming. Have the boy freak out saying i don't wanna be a girl and have it be in quoted text in lisped English. Have the boy's legs, torso and chest all feminize and mature with detailed descriptions of them changing as he gained boobs and his arms and hands feminized and changed with detailed descriptions of his nails becoming painted. Have his head and hair feminize and change into the woman's with a detailed description of every square inch of his face and include a description of the makeup, and lipstick matching the woman's earlier forming. Have her birthday outfit from earlier form on him with a detailed description of his old clothes changing. Have his memories start changing until he only remembered being the woman. Have blink before looking down at her shoes and her outfit and blowing herself a kiss. Have her pick up the tiara putting it on. Have her strut over to the mirror and have her pose admiring herself. Have her walk over to the cake and have her read what it says and have it be in quoted text chuckling and making a comment about "her" birthday cake. Have her say to herself wow ____ i can't believe i'm __ years old now i'm so glad i chose to wear my ___ and ____ and ___ today i love being a wo___ i so hope i got the cute ____ and the cute ____ and the pair of ____ i asked for and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks having no memory of who she used to be.
I'm really sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
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