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Question: I wanted to add a magic pumpkin patch and a pumpkin cat kiss me and put a seed inside me and it starts transform into one full
size pumpkin and take me to the world of pumpkin! That would be quite a magical experience! To make sure it works, you'll need to get a magical pumpkin patch, a pumpkin cat, some magical seeds, and a bit of pumpkin magic. Once you have everything, start by planting the magical seeds in the pumpkin patch. As you water them and give them some love, watch as they begin to grow and transform into full-size pumpkins. Then, invite the pumpkin cat over and give it a big kiss. After that, the magical pumpkin patch and the pumpkin cat will take you to the world of pumpkins! Enjoy your journey!
Jan. 31, 2023, 2:32 p.m.
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