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Question: I go inside that destroyed spaceship and I see p:balloon gas I can in front of it and I looking at the paper and I begin to feel feel full and gassy
as the balloon gas fills my lungs and I move around looking for any survivors. I check all the cabins, but they're all empty. I start to feel an ominous presence and a chill down my spine. Suddenly, I hear a faint beeping sound coming from the back of the ship. I cautiously make my way towards the sound and see that it is coming from a device with an air pressure gauge and a control panel. As I take a closer look, I realize it is some kind of life support system. I switch the device on and the beeping stops. Suddenly, one of the cabins lights up and I can hear a faint sound of breathing. I cautiously walk over to the cabin and peek inside. There is an elderly man lying in the bed, barely conscious. I quickly switch off the life support machine and rush to his side. He opens his eyes, looks at me and mumbles something. I ask him what happened, but he just stares at me, seemingly unable to remember or communicate. I grab some supplies from the ship and carry the old man outside to safety. Then, I set up a campfire and wrap the old man in some blankets from the ship. I then feed him some warm food, give him some water and wait until morning before trying to help him remember what happened.
Feb. 4, 2023, 1:06 a.m.
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