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Question: How to change the world to resource based economics
Switching to resource-based economics from the currently prevalent monetary-based economies would be a significant shift. Here are some ways to undertake the change: 1. **Education and Awareness**: Start by promoting awareness about what resource-based economics is and how it could potentially solve many of the world's pressing problems like social inequality and environmental degradation. Use platforms like social media, seminars, webinars, and workshops for this purpose. 2. **Government Policy and Legislation**: Develop strong policies and legislation to support the shift. This could involve reassessing the ways resources are extracted, used, and distributed. Resource allocation would consider population needs instead of market trends. 3. **Use of Technology**: Utilize technology to determine the most efficient and sustainable ways to use resources. Automation, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies can play a significant role in deciding fair and sustainable distribution of resources. 4. **Promote Sustainability**: Encourage practices that enhance resource sustainability, such as renewable energy, permaculture, and circular economies. 5. **Community-Driven Projects**: Initiate resource-based projects at a community level which can eventually influence larger areas. These projects can serve as models for best practices in resource-based economics. 6. **Regulate Corporations**: Implement laws and policies that require corporations to operate more in line with a resource-based economy - taking into account environmental impacts, employee treatment, and resource usage. 7. **Global Cooperation**: Global cooperation is needed since a resource-based economy respects no national boundaries. Coordination between nations can lead to fair allocation and efficient use of world resources. 8. **Incremental Transition**: Instead of an outright switch, consider making the move gradually. Gradual changes can be more manageable and allow populations and industries to adjust to new ways of doing things effectively. Remember, change of this scale is enormous and complex so patience, persistence, and strong leadership is required to make the transition.
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