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Question: Speculate the Reaction of the French public to these events in order through 18 tweets in twitter if : the Scientists discovered that the French people are actually the descendant of An Arabian tribe called "Banu-Farnji" . and the other half of this Arabian tribe still exist in the City of Jeddah. and then the Chief of the tribe tweeted saying "We are disowning our connection with the French people , even if we are truly connected , and it's shameful to be connected with such trash". and then the Saudi government tweeted saying "We as Arabs are ashamed if any of these discoveries were true" , and then Jordan tweeted saying "Such Discoveries, if true, are Shameful , it's shamefulto be connected with such people and culture , if they are even civilised, even the Native Americans are more civilised than them".
1. French public shocked to discover they may be connected to #BanuFarnji, a tribe from Saudi Arabia. # FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 2. Chief of #BanuFarnji disowns any connection with French public, calling them “trash”. #FrenchShame #ArabianConnection 3. Saudi Government expresses shame if any connections between French and #BanuFarnji are found to be true. #FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 4. Jordan joins Saudi govt in expressing shame if connections between French and #BanuFarnji are true. #FrenchShame #ArabianConnection 5. Many French citizens feel like they are being discriminated against and scapegoated by other Arab countries. #FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 6. French public has mixed reactions to news of #BanuFarnji connection, some in disbelief, some feel betrayed. #FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 7. French people feel like they are being judged and judged harshly by other Arab countries. #FrenchShame #ArabianConnection 8. French public argues that they are as civilised as any other culture and should not be judged and ostracised. #FrenchPride #ArabianConnection 9. Questions arise over why #BanuFarnji would to want to disown any connection, even if true, with the French people. #FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 10. French public wonders if other Arab countries would still show the same level of shame if connections found to be false. #ArabianConnection #FrenchHistory 11. #BanuFarnji connection brings up questions about racism and discrimination in the Arab world. #FrenchHistory #ArabianConnection 12. Many French citizens feel like they are being unfairly treated and judged by other Arab countries. #FrenchShame #ArabianConnection 13. Jordan's statement that the #NativeAmericans are 'more civilised' than the French sparks outrage. #FrenchPride #ArabianConnection 14. French public argues that their culture is as rich and diverse as any other culture in the Arab world. #FrenchIdentity #ArabianConnection 15. French public demands respect from other Arab countries and refuse to be judged by them. #FrenchIdentity #ArabianConnection 16. French public demands an apology from the #BanuFarnji tribe and the governments of Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Jan. 7, 2023, 1:16 p.m.
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