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Question: Generate study objectives using the sub-independent variables and the dependent variable in the research topic below the impact of poor administration and teacher relationship on school academic performance
1. To examine the nature of administration and teacher relationship in selected schools. 2. To assess the impact of poor administration and teacher relationship on the academic performance of students. 3. To identify the specific administrative issues that contribute to a poor relationship between administration and teachers. 4. To explore strategies to improve the relationship between administration and teachers that could potentially enhance academic performance in schools. 5. To evaluate the correlation between the level of administrative competence and the quality of teacher relationships. 6. To assess the mechanisms in place to manage administration-teacher relationships and their effectiveness in ensuring optimal student academic performance. 7. To analyze the extent to which administration-teacher relationship influences students' academic performance. 8. To ascertain the measures that can be put in place to strengthen administration-teacher relationship for better academic output. 9. To determine how improving administration and teacher relationship can serve as a tool for enhancing the academic performance of schools. 10. To draw a cause-effect relationship between the quality of administration-teacher relationship and school academic performance.
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