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Question: how do I clone my entire WordPress website and then run it on my local host using XAMPP?
Cloning a WordPress website involves copying all of your website's files and database to a new location. This location can be a new URL or server. Here's how you can clone your entire WordPress website and run it on your localhost using XAMPP: Before you start, please ensure you already have XAMPP installed on your machine. If not, download the software from the official XAMPP website. Steps to clone WordPress site: 1. First, install a WordPress cloning or migration plugin on your live site. Duplicator is one of the most popular plugins used to clone WordPress websites. 2. After activating the plugin, navigate to the Duplicator page on your WordPress dashboard and click on "Packages." 3. Then create a new package. The plugin will then scan your website. If it all checks out, click on "Build." 4. The plugin will create a zipped file containing your entire website and an installer script. Download both to your computer - your website's package (.zip file) and the installer file. Now, you've successfully cloned your WordPress website. Running WordPress site on localhost (XAMPP): 1. Install XAMPP on your computer. 2. Start the Apache and MySQL services. 3. Create a new folder where you want to clone your site in the 'htdocs' folder in your XAMPP installation directory. 4. Extract the zipped file you downloaded earlier into the folder you just created. 5. Access phpMyAdmin by typing 'localhost/phpmyadmin' in your browser's address bar. Create a new database. 6. Navigate to 'localhost/[your-folder-name]/installer.php' in your browser. 'Your-folder-name' is the name of the folder you just created and placed your website files in. 7. Follow the instructions provided by the Duplicator installer script. You will be asked to enter the details of the database you just created. 8. Replace all instances of your live website's URL with your localhost URL (which will be 'localhost/[your-folder-name]') using the cloning or migration plugin. 9. Finish the installation. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard at 'localhost/[your-folder-name]/wp-admin' 10. Check your website at 'localhost/[your-folder-name]' By doing these steps, you should successfully clone your WordPress to your localhost using XAMPP. Be sure to pay attention to file paths and your database details.
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