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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Athiests through 25 tweets of the following scenario: A footballer after he scored a goal , he picked up some mud and carved it to look like a bird ,and after he said in the name of the God he blew in to it ,and it became a living bird. and then after 4 days ,the Scientists confirmed it was not a trick, the mud literally turned into full complex organism to form a bird.
1. This is an incredible story, but I’m not convinced that it’s anything more than anecdotal evidence of some sort of trickery. #atheist 2. If this “miracle” is real, let’s see the scientific evidence to prove it. #atheist 3. There’s no scientific explanation for how a clump of mud can suddenly turn into a living bird. #atheist 4. This kind of miracle-making is exactly the kind of thing that atheists don’t believe in. #atheist 5. It’s hard not to be skeptical in a world where illusions and trickery are all too common. #atheist 6. Miracle or not, this type of story is just a reminder of how far we have to go in science. #atheist 7. Show me the evidence that a clump of mud can turn into a living bird and I’ll be impressed. #atheist 8. If true, this would be a major scientific breakthrough. Let’s wait and see what further studies reveal. #atheist 9. This type of thing has been claimed many times before, but never supported by concrete evidence. #atheist 10. Until the scientific facts have been clarified, I remain unconvinced of this miracle. #atheist 11. Until we can verify the facts and explanations, this will remain a mysterious story. #atheist 12. If we can’t explain it, then it’s probably just a hoax. #atheist 13. Until we have more information, I’m skeptical about this story. #atheist 14. There’s no way a clump of mud can turn into a bird, no matter how much you “believe”. #atheist 15. It sounds like a nice story, but until we have proof, it’s all just wishful thinking. #atheist 16. Let’s see the scientific evidence before jumping to any conclusions. #atheist 17. Anecdotal evidence is not enough to prove that a miracle has taken place. #atheist 18. This story
Jan. 12, 2023, 11:21 p.m.
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