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Question: Give me the solutions for correcting students’ pronunciation when he/she makes the same mistakes many times?
1. Model the correct pronunciation: Show the student how the word or sound should be pronounced by modeling it yourself. 2. Break down words into parts: Break the word down into smaller parts, such as syllables, and have the student practice saying each part. 3. Use repetition: Have the student repeat the word or phrase several times until they master the correct pronunciation. 4. Use visuals or standard IPA symbols: Provide visual illustrations or use standard IPA symbols to help the student understand the pronunciation. 5. Practice in sentences: Have the student practice using the pronunciation in a sentence. This will give them the opportunity to put their new knowledge into practice. 6. Provide feedback: Offer constructive feedback after the student practices the pronunciation. Praise him/her when they make progress, and point out areas where they can use more practice.
March 1, 2023, 8:51 p.m.
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