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Question: Question 4 4.1 In Unit 1 of Tutorial Letter 501 you are made aware that English has many varieties due to several factors, which include multilingualism, geographic location, and technological innovations, among other factors. Some of the common varieties include the following: Standard English, Indian English, Black South African English, township lingo, Kasi-taal and Coloured English. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow: As I was about to start another line from the Old Major’s speech, there was a loud knock at my door. Quickly, I got onto my feet and opened the door. Dinga and his girlfriend Thekwini, known to us as Theks, were standing there. ‘Wola pintshi!’ Dinga greeted me in township lingo. ‘Heyta daar. Please come inside.’ ‘Hi Dingz, said Theks. ‘Hello.’ Extract from Dog eat Dog (2004, p. 57) by Niq Mhlongo 4.1.1 Identify the variety used in the text. (1 mark) 4.1.2 Identify words/expressions that made you choose the variety you mentioned in 4.1.1. (3 marks) 4.1.3 Write the words/expressions you mentioned in 4.1.2 in standard English. (3 marks) 4.2 Write a sentence in which you have used non-Standard English and then provide the standard English version of the sentence. (3 marks) [10 marks] 4 This question has two sub-questions from which you have to choose only ONE sub- question. 5.1 In Unit 2 of Tutorial Letter 501 you are introduced to the notion of denotation and connotation. Reread the Unit and make sure that you understand the difference between these concepts. Now, study the following cartoon and answer the questions that follow. Source: Nando’s funny picture - Search Images ( 5.1.1 Give the denotative meaning of firing. (1 mark) 5.1.2 Give the connotative meaning of firing. (2 marks) 5.1.3 Briefly explain the relevance of firing as used in the cartoon. (2 marks) [5 marks] OR 5.2.1 Find a picture/cartoon in which there is a word or words that have a denotative and connotative meaning/meanings and paste in your assignment. (1 mark) 5.2.2 Give the denotative meaning of one word or words in the picture/cartoon you have provided in 5.2.1. (1 mark) 5.2.3 Give the connotative meaning of the word or words you mentioned in 5.2.2. (1 mark) 5.2.4 Briefly explain the relevance of the connotative meaning of the word or words you identified in 5.2.3 in relation to the picture/cartoon. (2 marks) [5 marks] Question 6 6.1 Imagine that you are teaching English as a home language to students who come from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Briefly explain ANY three strategies which you would use to ensure that all students are catered for in your classroom. (6 marks) 6.2 As a teacher of English or an aspiring teacher of English, how do you think your cultural and linguistic background may influence or shape your teaching of English in your class? Briefly explain two factors that may shape or influence your teaching of English. (4 marks) [10 marks] SUB-TOTAL: [25 MARKS]
4.1.1 The variety used in the text appears to be a mixture of English and Township Lingo, an argot used in the urban townships of South Africa. (1 mark) 4.1.2 The words/expressions that signified this variety include "Wola pintshi!" which is a greeting in this dialect, and "Heyta daar" which is also an informal greeting. (3 marks) 4.1.3 "Wola pintshi" could be translated as "Hello buddy" in Standard English, while "Heyta daar" could be translated as "Hello there". (3 marks) 4.2 Non-Standard English: "I ain't got no time for that." Standard English version: "I don't have time for that." (3 marks) 5.1 5.1.1 Denotative meaning: The act of discharging a gun or the act of dismissing an employee from their job. (1 mark) 5.1.2 Connotative meaning: In this context, "firing" can have a connotation that implies intense criticism or rebuke. It could also suggest a heated confrontation or argument. (2 marks) 5.1.3 Unfortunately, without the ability to view the specific cartoon, I cannot provide a relevant comment on its specific use of "firing". 5.2.1-5.2.4, cannot be answered without a visual. 6.1 Three strategies: 1. Incorporate multilingual resources and materials into the curriculum to cater to the diverse linguistic backgrounds of the students. (2 marks) 2. Use culturally diverse examples and contexts during the teaching process to ensure a more inclusive learning environment. (2 marks) 3. Implement collaborative learning activities such as discussions and pair work to promote cross-cultural understanding among students and use the classroom's diversity as a tool. (2 marks) 6.2 Two factors: 1. The teacher's proficiency in English and other languages: If the teacher is a proficient English speaker and can also speak other languages represented in the class, they are able to serve as a better mediator and facilitator in the learning process, making it easier to explain certain concepts or clarify misunderstandings. (2 marks) 2. The teacher's cultural sensitivity: The teacher's ability to embrace, respect, and understand different cultures can potentially create an inclusive and open learning environment where students feel valued and understood. This has a significant effect on their learning motivation and engagement. (2 marks) Please, remember to consult your course materials and textbooks for a deeper understanding of your assignment. For the accurate graded results and feedback, submit your completed work to your instructor.
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