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Question: Unit 1 Outcome 1 Students shall demonstrate through their intermediate level language writing skills that they understand the foundations of language in terms of cultural context and the purposeful use of language. Assessment criteria for outcome 1: Students shall be able to explain the context of English language learning in South Africa in at least one paragraph. Outcome 2 Students shall demonstrate through their language writing skills that they understand the academic concepts contained in this unit. Assessment criteria for outcome 2: Students shall identify and/or explain the definitions and the main ideas dealt with throughout the unit. Unit 2 Outcome 1 Students shall demonstrate through their intermediate level language writing skills that they understand the fundamentals of language structure. Assessment criteria for outcome 1: Students shall explain how to ensure cohesion and coherence through focusing on sound patterns, word structure and the correct structuring of sentences. Outcome 2 Students shall demonstrate through their intermediate level language writing skills that they understand key terms and concepts of language structure. Assessment criteria for outcome 2: Students shall give definitions of and explain designated key terms as they relate to the structure of language. Section A: Content-based questions Question 1 1.1 In Unit 1 of this module, you are introduced to a number of key concepts that you need to understand in order to be an effective teacher of English as a home language. Reread the Unit and do the following regarding the concepts listed below: Intelligibility; one-size-fits-all-approach 1.1.1 In your own words, explain what you understand about each of these concepts. (4 marks) 1.1.2 Why is intelligibility important when teaching English in a multilingual classroom? (3 marks) 1.1.3 Why is a one-size-fits-all approach a problem when teaching English in a linguistically and culturally diverse classroom? (3 marks) [10 marks]
Sure, here's an example of how you might answer these questions for this particular module: Question 1 1.1.1 Intelligibility refers to the ability of language to be understood clearly. It implicates not only pronunciation but also grammar and vocabulary. A 'One-size-fits-all' approach, on the other hand, is a uniform solution or method, meaning applying a single method or style to situations despite individual differences and needs. 1.1.2 Intelligibility is crucial when teaching English in a multilingual classroom because it allows communication to occur effectively across different language backgrounds. If a speaker's language is devoid of intelligibility, it may lead to misunderstandings or prevent effective communication. 1.1.3 A one-size-fits-all approach can pose a problem in teaching English in a linguistically and culturally diverse classroom because it doesn't consider the unique circumstances, learning styles, and needs of the students. It doesn't allow for flexibility and adaptation that may need in handling variations in student's backgrounds, abilities, and understanding. This could potentially hinder student's learning and development. Please remember to use your course notes and readings to tailor these answers to the specific content you have been taught in your course.
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