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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English public to the following events through 20 tweets in twitter if : the UK government renamed their country to " weaker than france Britain" ,and then the French government tweeted saying "thanks for your recognition". and then Ireland tweeted saying "At long last the UK or should I say the WTFB have now recognised who is stronger".
1. What a joke, renaming the country from the UK to Weaker than France Britain! #WTFB #WeakBritain 2. The French govt has taken this one step further and actually thanked us for our recognition of them being stronger then us? #WTFB #WeakBritain 3. This situation is becoming absurd, Ireland having the last laugh at our expense. #WTFB #WeakBritain 4. I think the UK government has gone a bit too far with this name change. #WTFB #WeakBritain 5. So instead of the United Kingdom, we are now the Weaker Than France Britain? #WTFB #WeakBritain 6. This is the most embarrassing diplomatic faux-pas I've ever seen. #WTFB #WeakBritain 7. It's like the UK government is admitting defeat to France. #WTFB #WeakBritain 8. Our government has taken us from kingdom to laughing stock in one act. #WTFB #WeakBritain 9. We don’t need to Anglicise our name to an admission of inferiority to France. #WTFB #WeakBritain 10. How can this be considered a good move for the UK? #WTFB #WeakBritain 11. The amount of disrespect given to our nation is staggering. #WTFB #WeakBritain 12. Ireland is basically saying that we’re now owned by France. #WTFB #WeakBritain 13. If this is the UK’s way of showing respect to its neighbour then it’s completely misguided. #WTFB #WeakBritain 14. This decision shows a complete lack of foresight and pride in our nation. #WTFB #WeakBritain 15. Who would’ve thought that the nation who once owned much of the world would be so weak? #WTFB #WeakBritain 16. The French government thanking us has to be the biggest insult of all. #WTFB #WeakBritain 17. I thought the UK government was supposed to be making us great again? #WTFB #WeakBritain 18. The UK is not Weaker than France Britain! #WTFB #WeakBritain 19. This is one of the most ridiculous decisions the UK govt has ever made. #WTFB #WeakBritain 20. We don’
Jan. 7, 2023, 11:46 p.m.
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